Narrative Hierarchy: Using the UNT Name

UNT is the primary brand, but University of North Texas also is our name. Respect both the acronym and name in your copy.

You must use the full university name on first mention in your communications, preferably in the first sentence or paragraph. This will help grow our name recognition. After first mention, UNT or “the university” can be used in all second references/mentions when referring to the university.

When communicating beyond the university’s internal on-campus audience, it is imperative to link UNT and University of North Texas. This is important because external national and international audiences may not recognize UNT without explanation.

When used in copy, the UNT acronym always must appear in all caps and the name of the university must appear in title case with the first letter of each word in uppercase, except “of.”

Guidelines to follow

For all communications:

  • The university's full name must be spelled out on first mention/reference, which should be in the first or second sentence of your copy. It definitely must be within the first paragraph.
  • Use UNT or the university (avoid using University, with U uppercase) on second reference.


  • Yes: The University of North Texas is one of the nation's largest university with 38,000 students. UNT is the most comprehensive university in the North Texas region. The university offers 230 degree programs.
  • No: UNT is one of the nation's largest university with 38,000 students. The University is the most comprehensive institution in the North Texas region. UNT has 230 degree programs.

For college and school level communications:

  • University of North Texas or UNT must appear before or in conjunction with the college name.
  • Spell out full college name on first mention/reference.
  • Avoid college and school acronyms such as COM, CVAD, COB, etc., especially for external audiences. These are confusing to external audiences and often do not mean what you intend. But if the acronym must be included, use it only after the college name is spelled out on first reference.


  • Yes: The University of North Texas' College of Music is world renowned.
  • Yes: The College of Music at the University of North Texas is world renowned.
  • No: COM is world renowned.

For department, program, initiative or center communications:

  • University of North Texas or UNT must appear before or in conjunction with the department, program, initiative or center name.
  • Use full department, program, initiative or center name on first reference.
  • Avoid acronyms, especially for external audiences.


  • Yes: The University of North Texas' Institute of Applied Science is a thriving interdisciplinary research unit.
  • No: The Institute of Applied Science in CAS at UNT serves the community.