Home | BioDiscovery Institute

Creating Innovative Bio-based Solutions

Processing Plant Materials to Create a Sustainable Bio-based Economy

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We're the BioDiscovery Institute.

The BioDiscovery Institute delivers research solutions to underpin the utilization of biosystems for production of food/feed, polymers, construction materials, bioactive molecules, and biofuels. The institute operates through a pipeline linking sustainable plant production platforms, metabolic engineering and the development of new materials. The institute touts a multidisciplinary team of researchers committed to collaborating on large research projects with an emphasis on application of findings and solutions to meet market issues and needs.


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Genomics Center

RNA & DNA Sequencing Services

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BioAnalytical Facility

Metabolomics & Lipdiomics Services

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Pamela Ronald - BDI Distinguished Speaker SeriesRichard Dixon Elected Fellow of the American Society of Plant BiologistsAyre Lab McNair ScholarsDr. Verbeck partners with InspectIR to develop commercial drug detecting breathalyzerDr. Diana Berman & Dr. Kent Chapman Study - possible replacement for motor oil?Richard Dixon Elected Fellow of the Royal Society Dixon Lab Research
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