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Proposal Preparation and Submission

In order to speed up and make more accurate proposal submissions, UNT has secured and customized electronic proposal administration software called "Cayuse SP" from the provider Evisions. Cayuse SP became available in the Fall of 2015.  


This is your first step in the proposal preparation process.
Step 1 : Request a Grants and Contracts Specialist

Please provide the requested information and all pertinent details. A Grants and Contracts Specialist will reply to your request as soon as possible, and be available to meet in person to discuss proposal preparation and submission procedures as well as agency specific guidelines. 

A reasonable draft of the narrative must be provided to OGCA in lieu of the final narrative for format and compliance review to meet the 4-day deadline. Edits to the narrative will be accepted until 5:00 PM on the day before the sponsor submission deadline. All other proposal documents, for a complete and final proposal package ready for submission to the sponsor, as well as all necessary College or Department-level approvals, must be received by OGCA at least 4 full business days prior to the sponsor’s due date.



This is your second step in the proposal preparation process.
Step 2 : Cayuse Sponsored Projects (Cayuse SP login)

Cayuse Sponsored Projects (Cayuse SP) facilitates internal electronic routing of all sponsored project proposals. Cayuse SP electronic routing has replaced the previous paper and email routing process ( UNT Routing Form ).



This is your optional third step in the proposal preparation process for Grants.gov proposals.
Optional : Cayuse 424 (optional "system-to-system" submission of Grants.gov proposal packages)

In our continuing effort to support research at UNT, OGCA began using Cayuse 424, a web-based system for grant proposal preparation and submission directly to federal agencies via Grants.gov (i.e. system-to-system submission). PIs are encouraged to use Cayuse 424 because it provides expanded access for proposal development and submission in a user-friendly interface and, in particular, proposal package checking.