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Conflict of Interest Review Committee

Federal regulations require the university to implement a conflict of interest review procedure with the goal of promoting objectivity in funded research.

The Conflict of Interest Review Committee, composed of 5 faculty members, determines whether a researcher's Significant Financial Interest could affect the design, conduct, or reporting of the research activities funded or proposed for such funding, and determines what conditions or restrictions, if any, should be imposed to manage such interests. The Committee will take such actions as are necessary to ensure that reported Significant Financial Interests are managed, reduced, or eliminated in accordance with federal regulations. Any conditions or restrictions to resolve or manage conflicts of interest must be implemented before the expenditure of any funds awarded under a grant or contract.

Examples of conditions or restrictions that may be imposed by the Committee to manage actual or potential conflicts of interest include:

  1. public disclosure of Significant Financial Interests;
  2. monitoring of the research by independent reviewers;
  3. modification of the research plan; and
  4. disqualification from participation in all or a portion of the research project in question.

Active researchers with external funding or researchers applying for external funding are required to submit Significant Financial Interest disclosures forms, whether or not there are any Significant Financial Interests to disclose. Please see the links below for instructions on completing the disclosure form and to access the form for the current academic year. 

Victor Prybutok, Ph.D., Regents Professor, Decision Sciences, and Interim Associate Dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies
Kent Chapman, Ph.D., Regents Professor, Biochemistry
Kris Chesky, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music and Director of the Texas Center of Music & Medicine
Nandika D'Souza, Ph.D., Professor, Materials Science & Engineering 
David McEntire, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Public Administration 

Instructions and Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Form

Instructions for Completion of Form
Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Form


Conflict of Interest Policy for Sponsored Projects, UNT Policy Manual Number 13.005

U.S. Public Health Service

Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for which PHS Funding is Sought, 42 C.F.R. Part 50, Subpart F

Responsible Prospective Contractors, 45 C.F.R. Part 94

NIH Grants Policy Statement, National Institutes of Health, March 2001

National Science Foundation

 NSF Grant Policy Manual (NSF 95-26), Conflict of Interest Policies, Chapter V, GPM 510
Investigator Financial Disclosure Policy, 60 Fed. Reg. 35820