Specialized Advising

There are also other types of advising support services offered on campus that you might want to check out to meet the needs of your academic or professional goals.

Health Professions Advisors

Health Professions Advisors

Hickory Hall 256
(940) 565-2051
Email: HealthProfessions@unt.edu

Dentistry, Medicine, Optometry, Veterinary Medicine, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Podiatry, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, and Chiropractic

Students interested in these professions should schedule an appointment with the Health Professions Counselor. The counselor will provide assistance with entrance requirements, the application process, interview preparation and the required recommendations for professional school.

Allied Health

  • UNT offers all of the prerequisites for admission to allied health professional programs in the following areas: Chiropractic, Occupational Therapy and Pharmacy.
  • The Health Professions Counselor will assist you in selecting courses to meet the entrance requirements for these programs.

**Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Nutrition/Dietetics, and Respiratory Therapy are baccalaureate programs which UNT does not offer.

Departmental/Faculty Advisors

*Contact your school or college for a list of Faculty Advisors

Departmental/Faculty Advisors work in conjunction with Academic Advisors, mentoring students in their academic disciplines by helping them understand requirements in the major, career options with that major, and start the process for obtaining an official degree audit. Advisors for Specialized Program Advisors such as Women's Studies or Forensic Science are also available by contacting them directly for an advising meeting.

Pre-Law Advising

Wooten Hall 153
(940) 565-4413
Email: prelaw@unt.edu

Pre-law is not an academic major at UNT. There is no right major for those wanting to go on to law school; any major that emphasizes strong writing and reasoning skills will help you prepare for law school. The Pre-law advisor is available to provide answers to questions about how to get into law school and what you can do now to prepare.

Teacher Education Certification

Matthews Hall 105
(940) 565-2736

Students wishing to teach at a Texas public school must meet state certificate requirements administered by the College of Education. To be admitted to the teacher certification program in the College of Education, the student must meet specific requirements which include: UNT GPA, overall GPA, junior status, an official degree audit/plan, and appropriate scores on all parts of the THEA exam. Students must pass state examinations to be certified classroom teachers in the state of Texas. The exams cover the content area to be taught (English, mathematics, history, for instance); and the pedagogy and professional responsibilities (teaching methodology). Want to learn more? Attend a College of Education prospective major session.

Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Advising

Sage Hall 110
(940) 369-7006
Email: TSI@unt.edu

Students working toward completing the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements meet with TSI advisors every semester prior to registration. TSI advisors help students coordinate their developmental coursework with the other courses in their academic plan.

Career Center

Chestnut Hall 103 
(940) 565-2861
Email: careercenter@unt.edu

Internships enable students to integrate classroom theory with work experience specific to their majors. Students gain a competitive edge in the job market and insight into their future careers. Students can also get assistance in resume writing, job-search strategies, and interviewing skills.

Center for Leadership and Service

Union 323
(940) 565-3021
Email: leadandserve@unt.edu

The Center for Leadership & Service provides opportunities and programs to develop students to become engaged leaders in the global community. By participating in service programs, students have the opportunity to gain skills, make connections and make a difference. Students can also enhance their personal and organizational leadership skills by attending retreats and workshops. The Center for Leadership & Service sponsors the Eagle Leadership Transcript program, a co-curricular transcript to document student involvement and leadership.

Study Abroad

Sage Hall 236
(940) 565-2207
Email: studyabroad@unt.edu

Opportunities for UNT students and faculty; summer, semester and year-long programs; information/orientation for study, travel, work and volunteer abroad programs and national grants for international study; passport services.

UNT Graduate School Advising Offices


A graduate advisor is one of the first people you’ll want to contact when you’re ready to begin your studies.  Advisors can help you choose courses and guide you through your thesis or dissertation. Below is a listing of contact information for the graduate advisors within their respective programs.