Gaylen Tasker

B.S. in Merchandising

Upon her arrival to the University of North Texas, Gaylen immediately took an interest in the unique atmosphere that Denton has and enjoyed being in the surroundings of intellectuals from all parts of the world. During her last year of studying, Gaylen decided to study abroad in Florence, Italy where she has been living ever since. She did an internship with Scuola del Cuoio and after completing the internship and graduating, she was offered a job and continued working for the company as a Collaborator. For her past four years in Florence, she has not only grown within the company but has also developed personally through her appreciation of art, fashion, and the European lifestyle. Her current role as a Collaborator involves public relations, online communications. Recently she accepted the responsibility of producing and maintaining the website and online shop for the Scuola del Cuoio. She looks forward to continuing her time in Europe and is focusing on experiencing the diverse cultures of the area.