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Master’s Exam

Journalism graduate students are required to pass a written comprehensive examination that covers their journalism coursework. Therefore, you should schedule the examination near the end of your program. Note that your application for the examination will only be approved upon completion of all four core courses, as well as if required, all background courses. In other words, you must neither concurrently take nor leave unfinished any of those required courses in the same semester as you file your application to take the examination.

The Mayborn Master's Exam, a comprehensive exam, is administered to graduate students during a scheduled week each semester. The exam is offered in the fall (October), spring (February) and summer (June). Future exam dates are February 18-25, 2019, June 3-10, 2019 and October 7-14, 2019.

Students are responsible for signing up for the exam in the Mayborn Graduate Institute office located at Sycamore Hall 205 or by completing the form sent to them by the graduate student coordinator. The exam is offered online through Blackboard Learn.

The exam offers 10 essay questions that cover the courses taken during a student’s graduate program. Each student will select three questions to answer. Grading is conducted by the faculty on the graduate committee in the Mayborn Graduate Institute of Journalism. The criteria include quality of research, depth of knowledge presented, and presentation of material. Prior to the exam, students receive guidelines to help them prepare for the test.