HR, IT, & Business Services

The University of North Texas System and its institutions share centralized Information Technology Services (ITSS), Business Support Services (BSS) and Human Resources Services (HR). UNTS leadership established Shared Services for its internal and external customers in 2012 with four goals in mind:

1)      Improve efficiency by eliminating unnecessary duplication of services across the UNT System

2)      Manage business and IT services strategically

3)      Promote the buying power of the UNT System and increase the ability to leverage resources

4)      Improve quality by continually monitoring the customer expectations and satisfaction, while continuing to evaluate and improve processes.

5)      Facilitate long-term financial savings by providing more efficient, cost-effective services.

Through ITSS alone, the UNT System has saved $5,588, 121 since the inception of Shared Services in January, 2012.

UNTS Business Support Services estimated $1.5 million in repeat savings after redesigning more than 150 processes. BSS also created a strategic sourcing/purchasing team that has save the UNT System more than $1million through direct negotiations with suppliers, usage of cooperative agreements or price comparisons on open market.

UNTS Shared services have also upgraded customer service with a new call center to handle tier 1 customer contact, new call center software to track/monitor email and phone responses, partner quarterly meetings and a relationship director to meet with campus leaders on a regular basis.