Assignments Office

Assignments and Collections desk

Campus Housing Policy

The UNT campus housing policy states that, “All unmarried undergraduate students who have graduated from high school the semester prior to enrolling at the UNT, who have completed fewer than thirty (30) semester hours of university work (any hours completed while in high school not included in the thirty hours) and who enroll for nine or more semester hours are required to reside in university operated residence halls under a contractual room and board plan as long as space is available.”

The policy can be found in its entirety at The Director of Housing is responsible for administering the housing policy and for granting exceptions or exemptions from the on-campus housing requirements. A student dissatisfied with the decision or finding of the Director of Housing regarding an application for exception or exemption from the on-campus housing requirement may appeal to the Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Services at 940-565-2033.

Facilities for People with Disabilities

Specially equipped rooms are available to students with disabilities in a majority of the residence halls. For information about disability accommodations in the residence halls contact the Assignments Office or the Office of Disability Accommodation at 940-565-4323.

Room Assignments

Housing attempts to accommodate all student preferences for housing assignments. Assignments are based on the student’s hall preference and the completion of the Housing application.

Payment Schedule

Fall payments are due on the 1st of September, October, November, and December; spring payments are due on the 1st of February, March, April, and May. Failure to make a payment on time will result in a $15 late fee.

Check-In Procedures

Residents checking into assigned rooms must complete an online Room Inventory Sheet by the date specified and note any damages or missing furnishings. At checkout residents will be responsible for any damages or missing items not listed on the inventory sheet.

Residents who live alone in multiple-occupancy rooms must keep the second set of furniture and the other closet clear of all belongings so that a new roommate may move in at any time. Residents whose rooms require cleaning before a new roommate can move in can be charged a cleaning fee of up to $75.

Checkout Procedures

Residents who will not return to their assigned room for the next semester must check out of their rooms within 24 hours of their last final exam or by 5 pm on the last day of finals, whichever is first. Residents must exit the hall with all personal belongings no later than 7 pm of their checkout day. Residents whose travel arrangements require that they leave the Saturday following exams must submit a written request for a later checkout time in advance to their hall director. Detailed instructions regarding checkout procedures and expectations are provided by the hall staff.

In some halls, residents may take advantage of an Express Checkout option that allows them to check out without having to schedule a time with an RA. Express Checkouts are conducted at the discretion of the Hall Director of any particular hall.

At the time of checkout residents must assure that all items included on the Room Inventory Sheet are in the room, all beds are unbunked and lowered, all damage to walls from nails, screws, double stick tape, or tacks is repaired to a point of being undetectable by the human eye, and all areas are clean and free of trash. Spackle and wall paint for touchups are available at the front desk at the end of each long semester. Detailed instructions regarding checkout procedures and expectations are provided by the hall staff. Housing may charge residents a fee to repair room damages or for excess cleaning required after check out. In the event that the responsible party cannot be determined, fees will be evenly divided between all residents of the room. Residents who fail to follow checkout procedures will be assessed a $75 improper checkout fee and may also incur cleaning and/or damage charges. Residents who fail to return a key will be charged a lock change fee between $50 and $100, depending on the hall.

Mid-Year Closings

Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks

All residence halls remain open during Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks. Residents are not required to move their belongings out of their rooms during these periods. Students must notify the front desk staff if they will be staying for all or part of Thanksgiving or Spring Break so the hall staff has an accurate list of the remaining residents.

Winter Break

All halls except College Inn and Mozart Square close over Winter Break. Residents returning to the same rooms after Winter Break may leave their belongings in their rooms, but residents will not have access to their rooms during the break. If space permits, a resident may stay on campus in an open residence hall during Winter Break by filling out an application online and paying the Winter Break fee prior to the end of the fall semester.

Summer Housing

Residents attending summer school sessions may stay on campus but must fill out the separate summer housing application(s) and make payments according to the summer housing payment schedule. College Inn, Crumley Hall, and Mozart Square are the only halls open for residents attending summer school. Mozart Square is available for current Mozart residents only.

Hall or Room Changes

Residents who wish to make hall or room changes should make the request through the Desk Clerk at their current hall’s front desk. Room change requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Once space is available to accommodate a resident’s room change request, he or she will be notified by the Desk Clerk and given instructions on how to complete the move. The resident must complete the move within 72 hours including proper check out of his or her former room. Residents who fail to properly check out of their old rooms may be charged for cleaning and/or a $75 improper check out fee. Changing rooms or halls without authorization from Housing staff constitutes improper check out.

Room Consolidation

If half of a double occupancy room is vacant and other space is available on campus, the student occupying the room may be given an option to pay the private room rate (one and a half times the room rate) or maintain the double occupancy rate, in which case a new roommate may be assigned to the room at any time. Paying the private room rate to keep the second space vacant is typically only available in the spring or summer semesters due to high occupancy in the fall semester.

For operational reasons the university may be required to close all or part of a residence hall. While this seldom occurs, residents may be required to move and consolidate into other rooms.

Single Occupancy Rooms

Single occupancy rooms are available in College Inn, Legends Hall, Traditions Hall, and Victory Hall. Private single occupancy rooms are available in Mozart Square, Honors Hall, and Legends Hall. Double occupancy rooms cannot be used as private rooms when there is a high demand for space in the residence halls. Students who intentionally create conflict or aggravate their roommates in an attempt to obtain a private room may be subject to disciplinary action, an in-hall or out-of-hall move, consolidation, and/or charges for a private room.

Temporary Assignments

When more students apply for housing than can be accommodated in designated student rooms Housing makes additional space available for temporary housing to give more students the opportunity for on-campus housing. This situation typically occurs at the start of the fall semester and is resolved when residents fail to claim their housing assignments or withdraw from the university. Students housed in temporary assignments will be given permanent assignments in newly vacated spaces as soon as spaces become available.

Triple Occupancy

In emergency situations Housing may assign three residents to a double occupancy room. Triple occupancy assignments will be kept as short as possible based on operational need

Appeal of Charges

As set forth above, Housing may charge residents additional fees for improper check out, excessive clean-up, damage repair, lock changes and late payments. Residents who wish to appeal charges assessed to their accounts (e.g., lost keys, cleaning, improper check out of room) should appeal to the Hall Director in writing no later than 60 calendar days after the notice of the fee.