Policy updates

February 06, 2019

06.039 Student Attendance and Authorized Absences
Revised to remove the grade of WF which is no longer used.
04.004 University Ombuds
The University Ombuds is no longer necessary with the adoption of the Alternative Dispute Resolution program for all faculty and staff at the University of North Texas.
06.034 Awarding Posthumous Degrees
Revised to remove previous time restriction.

January 03, 2019

16.006 Information and Procedural Guidelines for Pursuing and Resolving a Complaint of Discrimination, Including Sexual Harassment

December 05, 2018

06.050 Photocopying for Classroom Research and Library Use
The policy was deleted as the relevant content is duplicated in UNT policy 08.001, Copyright Compliance.

December 03, 2018

05.044 Voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution System
The Voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution System policy was deleted with the launch of a new voluntary mediation program administered through the President's Talon Process Improvement Team.

October 19, 2018

October 11, 2018

06.011 Faculty Leaves of Absence Without Pay
Revised to add new definitions and clarify leave eligibility, the request process, and the permissible length of leave.


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