Teaching Resources

These resources are provided at no cost and available to anyone with teaching responsibilities at UNT.

  • Accessibility Online — An introduction to accessibility, including policy and law, implementing accessibility in your class, technical resources, and a few additional guides and references.
  • Copyright Guide — This guide will help you understand copyright permissions when using others’ work in your teaching. Learn about fair use, creative commons, and public domain works.
  • Online Teaching — A variety of services, resources, and best practices to help you deliver online courses. 
  • Electronic Newsletters — Topical newsletters on education and teaching. Subscriptions provided by CLEAR and available to all faculty and staff.
  • Memberships for Faculty — Access to publications, websites, and special discounts to webinars and conferences.
  • Open Educational Resources — An overview of OER, including an introduction, local resources, and content repositories.
  • Social Media — Get recommendations on how to implement Social Media into your instruction. When utilized well, social media can be a powerful tool that enriches group learning processes instead of distracting students from course content and their peers.
  • UNT Teaching Commons — A virtual resource and gathering space for connecting anyone with teaching responsibilities at the University of North Texas. 
  • UNT Teaching Excellence Handbook — A guide to teaching at UNT, including information on terminology and policies.