Coyote Wisdom

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Editor: J. Frank Dobie, Mody C. Boatright, and Harry H. Ransom
Hardcover Price: $21.95

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Hardcover ISBN-13: 9781574410884
Hardcover ISBN-10: 1574410881
Physical Description: 6X9. 304 pp.
Series: Publications of the Texas Folklore Society

Coyote Wisdom is now available as a free e-book at the UNT Digital Library and The Portal to Texas History.

This especially substantial folkish son-of-a-gun stew concocted by J. Frank Dobie and associates is distinguished by a wide variety of materials, ranging from the simplest recording of single items, like anecdotes, folk remedies or sayings, through the skillfully retold primitive legend, to the scientific, though quite idiomatic, anthropological report, and to the scholarly analysis of the philosophy of the folk. The theme and hero of the volume, Old Man Coyote, is animal and folk character. Indian legends are well represented in Coyote Wisdom, a Publication of the Texas Folklore Society.

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