Library Data Retention

University Libraries, Unt Policy And Procedure Memorandum.



In alignment with the UNT Open Access Policy and the Denton Declaration of May 2012, the University of North Texas Libraries is committed to making library-generated data broadly available in the UNT Data Repository. When possible, deposited datasets will be made available with the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0) license and are generally intended to be completely in the Public Domain.


When possible, deposited datasets will be made available with the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0) license and are generally intended to be completely in the Public Domain. The data collected and stored therein will have all personal identifying information removed, as prescribed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and in alignment with the core value of the library profession related to privacy and confidentiality. The data will attribute creators and sponsors (UNT Libraries) as appropriate.

The library data to be shared in open formats include but are not limited to:

  • Facilities data (door counts, computer logins, hours of operation, etc.)
  • Integrated Library System (ILS) data (search strings, catalog records, circulation counts, etc.)
  • Website data (page analytics, click-through information, etc.)
  • Digital Libraries data (metadata editing information, metadata change data, etc.)



  • Approved: 05/19/15
  • Revised: 01/12/17

License Information

This Policy: "Library Data Retention" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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