Starting a Club and General Info

How to Start a Sport Club

Contact the Recreational Sports Office for assistance.

Complete the Student Activity Organization Registration form on-line through Orgsync: Contact Student Activities in the Union Room 345 or by phone: 940-565.4446 for assistance.

Once a student organization, publicize the club on campus. Hold an organizational meeting for interested students to join the club. Designate officers, a student leader, and faculty sponsor to represent the club.

Registered clubs, with a sports orientation, may then apply into the Sport Club Program.

An application, risk management questionaire and a projected budget is required and must be submitted. Each club is required to provide a schedule of proposed activities for the year and a group roster. Each club must abide by the rules, regulations and guidelines of the Recreational Sports Office and University of North Texas.

The student leader must appear and present before the Sport Club Council who will then vote on a recommendation to the Sport Club Staff on the approval of the club.

Sport Club authorization and a club budget will be approved or disapproved by the Director of Recreational Sports, Assistant Director and the Sport Club Council.

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Student leadership is emphasized, and the club members plan their own schedule of activities. A club's growth is determined by active student involvement and participation. The Student Leader is the communicator with the Recreational Sports Office, and all information concerning sport club policies and procedures are directed to this person.

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Sport Club Council

Each sport club shall have a Sport Club Council Representative as a member of the Sport Club Council.  Each representative must be a currently enrolled student member of a recognized sport club.  The Sport Club Council shall advise the Sport Club Staff in administering the Sport Club Program.  Its three main functions are as follows: 

  1. To promote participation in the Sport Club Program
  2. To provide a medium for the exchange of information regarding Sport Club policies and procedures contained in the Sport Club Manual.
  3. To listen to all new Sport Club Recognition Requests and vote on a recommendation to the Sport Club Staff on the approval of a new club.

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Executive Board

The Sport Club Council will have an Executive Board, which shall consist of five student members. Each year four Sport Club Council Representatives will be elected from among their peers at the last Sport Club Council Meeting in the spring semester. All board members shall serve a term, which runs from August through July. Executive Board members can also represent their club at each Sport Club Council meeting as the Sport Club Representative.

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Sport Club Objectives

To offer students an opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in a particular sport.
To provide students with leadership opportunities in managing a club and scheduling activities.
To provide partial funding for travel, competition, and equipment purchases.
To provide assistance in scheduling areas and facilities for club meetings, practices, and games.
To provide administrative support for the clubs.

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Sport Club Policies

The deadline for new clubs to apply for funding from the Recreational Sports Office is January for the spring semester.

There is a maximum $500 allocation for the first semester for all new Sport Clubs.

Clubs should drive no more than five hundred (500) miles in a twenty-four (24) hour period. Clubs may not drive between the hours of 10pm and 6am.

Clubs are limited to certain allotments for their travel and competitions. Club members finance a large portion of their participation expenses from personal savings.

Members of any club, within the Sport Club Program, must be registered for at least one hour of course work with the University of North Texas.

Fund raising projects must be approved at least two weeks prior to the start of the project, by the Assistant Director of Sport Clubs.

Any policy, regarding the internal operation of a club, may be implemented providing that the majority of club members and the Recreational Sport Office agree on the policy.

Clubs will not be funded for tournaments which award scholarships to the individual, unless the award can be used to benefit the entire club.

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