UNT Teaching Personnel: An Overview

The University of North Texas, like most research universities, relies on a range of teaching personnel to teach courses; including Teaching Assistants (TAs), Teaching Fellows (TFs), lecturers, and professors. Because of this variety in teaching personnel, it is common practice in CLEAR to refer to all teaching personnel broadly as instructor. To learn more about the different distinctions among UNT instructors, read below.

Teaching Assistants

A teaching assistant (TA) is a graduate student who assists a faculty member in a class or laboratory, but does not have total instructional responsibility for the class. TAs working during a long semester must be enrolled as students; specific guidelines are available in the Policy Manual (Chapter 6, Policy 06.020 ). To qualify for reappointment as a TA, a graduate student must demonstrate competence and responsibility in carrying out TA duties, maintain high academic standards (usually a minimum 3.0 GPA), and continue to make satisfactory progress toward degree completion.

Teaching Fellows

A teaching fellow (TF) is a graduate student who assumes total responsibility for instruction in one or more classes. The TF is the instructor of record and is responsible for assigning grades. TFs working during a long semester must be enrolled as students; specific guidelines are available in the Policy Manual (Chapter 6, Policy 06.020). To qualify for reappointment as a teaching fellow, a graduate student must demonstrate effective teaching skills, maintain high academic standards (usually a minimum 3.0 GPA), and continue to make satisfactory progress toward degree completion.

English Language Certification for International TFs

An international student must be certified by the International TA/TF Program (sponsored by UNT’s Intensive English Language Institute [IELI]) before being appointed by a UNT academic department as a TF. The certification program is designed to measure the candidate’s effectiveness in spoken English and provide training and assistance tailored to individual needs. Visit the IELI website for more information about international teaching assistants.

For advice on the International TA/TF Program and the Intensive English Language Institute, read this Teaching Commons article, "Advice to International Teaching Personnel."

Adjunct Instructors

Adjunct instructors are faculty members who have been appointed on a temporary, semester-by - semester basis to teach specific courses. Adjunct instructors must meet the faculty qualifications established by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Adjuncts serve as instructors of record in the courses they teach, and they may not be enrolled as UNT students. Reappointment decisions are often based on departmental resources and demand for specific courses.


Lecturers are generally full-time teaching personnel working on a one- or multi-year contract with UNT. They may be promoted (from lecturer to senior lecturer to principal lecturer), but they are not eligible for tenure.


Professors are full-time employees of UNT who are either working toward tenure (assistant professors) or have tenure (associate and full professors). Professors generally have responsibility for teaching, research, and university service.