NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules

Goals of the Training

Upon completion of this training, the principal investigator/lab personnel should understand:

  • General requirements under the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (NIH Guidelines).
  • His/her responsibilities under the NIH Guidelines.

Principal Investigators and Other Researchers

The course provides information in order for the Principal Investigator to make sure that his/her laboratory is in compliance with the National Institute of Health Guidelines for such research.

In addition, the guidelines identify key ethical principles and key safety reporting requirements, applicable to all researchers who work with recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules.

Training Requirements

  • Researchers working with rDNA or synthetic nucleic acid molecules are required to complete the training every three years.
  • The training will end with a test at the end of the last module. You may retake the test at any time.

Learning Aids

To aid you in your understanding of the NIH Guidelines, you can also find the following documents at any time throughout this module by clicking on the links at the top of each frame.

Program Modules

There are six training modules.

  1. Introduction to the NIH Guidelines and Scope
  2. Roles and Responsibilities
  3. Types of Experiments Covered
  4. Safety Considerations or Risk Assessment
  5. Submission to the IBC and IBC Review
  6. Incident Reporting

Final Quiz

You are encouraged to read and understand the material completely before taking the quiz. You may log in with your valid UNT credentials, EUID and password, to access the final quiz at any time.

Passing Score

A passing grade indicated on the Quiz Information Page is necessary for you to complete the training successfully.