
Your Future In Printmaking

Are you fascinated by the techniques and processes in art? Are you interested in art forms that use new and old technology? The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Art with a concentration in Printmaking from the University of North Texas may be for you.

Printmaking includes a variety of printing processes, such as:

  • Intaglio (etching, photo intaglio and mezzotint)
  • Lithography (hand-drawn and photo-based processes from stones or plates)
  • Screenprint (also called silk screen or serigraphy)
  • Relief (woodcut and linocut)
  • Monotype (one-of-a-kind prints transferred from an unstable matrix)
  • Many other image-transfer art forms

Printmakers are often self-employed, exhibiting and selling their works in galleries, museums and exhibition venues. Some work in collaborative print shops or in the commercial printing industry. The program also prepares you to pursue a Master of Fine Arts degree, if you want to teach art at the college level.

What we offer

The College of Visual Arts and Design is one of the nation's most comprehensive visual arts schools and is considered among the best in the Southwest. You'll join a tight community of printmaking students who collaborate on activities ranging from organizing print sales to coordinating travel to conferences.

Our course work explores a wide range of techniques and media while emphasizing:

  • Creativity
  • Professional artistic practices
  • Self-expression
  • Sound art fundamentals

We also teach artist's bookmaking as part of our curriculum.

Faculty members are respected participants in the professional art world. They exhibit their artwork nationally and internationally and maintain high profiles in their fields. In addition to working with our faculty members, you can work with visiting artists in printmaking.

We provide many opportunities to exhibit your work while you progress through the program. Exhibitions are held on campus in the Cora Stafford Gallery, North Gallery, Lightwell Gallery and other exhibition venues.

Scholarships are available to help you pursue your degree.

Our studios offer more than 5,000 square feet of space with seven etching/relief presses, three lithography presses, a large selection of lithography stones and exposure units for screenprint, intaglio and lithography. You may also utilize the digital labs and a sculpture shop in the Art Building for cross-media equipment.

P.R.I.N.T Press is our professional fine arts press that hosts an annual collaborative printmaking project between a visiting master printer and a visiting artist. You may work as an assistant on the project and gain valuable experience.

A Living-Learning Community brings together art and design majors who live on campus to enhance academic and social experiences.

What to expect

You'll need to meet the College of Visual Arts and Design's admission requirements to be qualified as a pre-major. These requirements are in addition to the ones administered by the university.

Your core courses will focus on art appreciation, art history, design and drawing. After completing the core courses, you'll take printmaking classes along with other studio art and art history classes. Your printmaking courses can focus on artist's books, etching, lithography, monotype, relief and screenprint.

During your second printmaking course, you can apply for major status by participating in the Mid-Point Portfolio Review. You'll also continue to refine your technical skills, conceptual focus and your professional practice as you proceed in the program.

Your final year consists of a Senior Printmaking Exhibition and an Exit Review with the printmaking faculty.

Our Career Center, Learning Center and professional academic advisors are among the many valuable resources available to you at UNT. The Career Center can provide advice about internships, future employment opportunities and getting hands-on experience in your major. The Learning Center offers workshops on speed reading, study skills and time management. Academic advisors will help you plan your class schedule each semester.


High school students

We encourage you to fulfill the graduation requirements for the distinguished level of achievement under the Texas Foundation, Recommended or Distinguished Achievement high school program or the equivalent.

In your junior year, take the SAT or ACT and have your scores sent to UNT.

In your senior year, apply for admission at by March 1 and request that your high school transcript be sent to the UNT admissions office.

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses can count toward college credit at UNT.

Transfer students

If you're attending a Texas community college, you should consult our online transfer guides, the UNT Undergraduate Catalog and an academic counselor or advisor to review your degree plan. Proper planning will allow you to receive the maximum amount of transfer credits.

Our Transfer Center will help you make a successful transition to college life at UNT by connecting you with a peer mentor and other campus resources. Each year, 3,800 students transfer to UNT.