Are You Ready for Canvas?

UNT no longer offers courses in Blackboard Learn. All Summer and Fall 2019 courses using a learning management system must be migrated to Canvas prior to the semester start.

canvas logo

Canvas Migration — How can we help?

I want help from CLEAR to migrate my existing Blackboard courses.

Step One: Request Migration

  1. Complete the CLEAR Migration Form
    • Once submitted, CLEAR will:
      • Create a new Canvas development course.
      • Migrate your content from Blackboard into the development course.
      • Enroll you, the instructor, into the course.
      • Send you an e-mail when it is complete.

Step Two: Review

  1. Review your migrated Canvas development course. Consult your CLEAR Instructional Consultant if you have questions.
  2. Visit the Canvas Migration Checklist

Step Three: Offer Course in Canvas

Prior to the semester start, a Canvas Offering (blank course) will automatically be created for each UNT Course with two or more registered students, and you will be notified and enrolled in courses that you instruct.

  1. Students will be enrolled in the Canvas section.
  2. Import your content from your Canvas development course.
  3. Complete these important Canvas Start-of-Semester Tasks.

I want a development course in Canvas.

  1. Submit the Canvas Development Shell Form. This will be your development course shell and will act as a template that you can copy to your semester offerings.
  2. Develop your course in your Canvas development shell.
  3. Prior to the semester start, a Canvas Offering (blank course) will automatically be created for each UNT Course with two or more registered students, and you will be notified and enrolled in courses that you instruct.
    1. Students will be enrolled in the Canvas section.
    2. Import your content from your Canvas development course.
    3. Complete these important Canvas Start-of-Semester Tasks.

I would like a sandbox course to play with Canvas.

  1. Submit Canvas Sandbox Request Form

Canvas Training

CLEAR offers instructors, TAs/TFs, and staff multiple Canvas training options. There are a few resources linked below, and instructors can also sign up for a face-to-face training session with CLEAR instructional consultants or enroll in a self-paced online training that covers the same material.

To request face-to-face training, please visit the Canvas Training Dates page and sign up for a session. Or, If you prefer, you can enroll in the self-paced online training.


Canvas Technical Support

The CLEAR Faculty Helpdesk provides faculty with ongoing technical support for Canvas.

clear faculty helpdesk

Canvas Resources