Admissions | Dance and Theatre


Freshmen and transfer students gain acceptance by the UNT Admissions Office.

All students must meet with the department academic advisor before completing registration each semester. Advisors help with selection of courses, application of transfer credit, and general academic requirements, policies and procedures.

Dance Entrance Auditions

Dance entrance auditions will be held on the following dates:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Saturday, February 8, 2020 - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Saturday, April 18, 2020 - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Auditions will be held in the Dance and Theater Arts (DATH) Building in room 110/111. The Dance and Theater Arts (DATH) Building is located at 300 Bernard Street; Denton, TX 76201.

All students wanting to major in dance (including entering freshman, transfer students, or current students at UNT) must participate in and pass the dance audition in order to be declared a dance major at UNT. Interested students MUST fill out and mail in the Application for Dance Major to reserve an audition space prior to the audition date or bring it on the date of the audition. It is the student's responsibility to call the Department office to ensure their application has been received. This audition is only for entrance into the dance program at UNT.

Students should arrive 30 minutes prior to the audition time in order to receive their audition number and warm up. If a student has already sent in their application materials, no further documents will be necessary. The audition consists of a ballet and modern class in which students will perform several combinations choreographed by the professors. Students do not have to bring any prepared material or music. Auditions cannot be watched. Students should wear a leotard, tights, leggings, or any other comfortable versatile dance clothing and ballet shoes. The audition will last about 2 to 3 hours.

Dance: High school students should prepare by completing four years of English, math and social science, including economics, geography, government and history; three years of science and foreign language; and one year of fine arts courses, among other subjects. Courses in computers, music and advanced math, as well as any dance training will help you prepare to major in dance.

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