
Work Study jobs at UNT Dallas are funded by the federal government. Your eligibility for the work-study program is determined by financial need, satisfactory academic progress, and an enrollment status of at least quarter-time.

To find work-study jobs to apply for at visit

Eligibility Criteria

Below is a list of eligibility requirements. You must:
    •    Show financial need.
    •    Be enrolled at least quarter-time.
    •    Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements.

How to Apply

Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal Application. Indicate your preference for College Work Study on the FAFSA.

UNTD Priority Dates

    •    Apply early because funds are limited
    •    Applications considered on the basis of available funds after the priority dates.  Review the priority dates.

Continued Eligibility

In order to remain eligible for the program, you must:
    •    Show financial need.
    •    Be enrolled at least quarter-time.
    •    Continue to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements.

Amount of Awards

    •    Based on established financial need.
    •    Maximum award is $5,000 per nine-month academic period.


    •    Students are generally paid on the 1st and 15th of every month.
    •    Students are paid at least the federal minimum wage.
    •    Payment is based on the number of hours worked during previous month.


    •    Repayment is not required. The money you earn is yours to help pay your education expenses.
    •    Must be reported as earnings on your income tax return.
    •    When completing the FAFSA for the following year, report your Work-Study earnings under the Additional Financial Information section. (Work-Study earnings are treated as financial aid rather than income when the Expected Family Contribution is calculated.)