
Contact Advising
Chilton Hall, 385
8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday


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Degree Requirements Sheet
Marketable Skills for BS in Hospitality Management

Students earning a Bachelor of Science with a major in Hospitality Management are ready for more than a job – they are ready for success! Our students gain the prestige and all the advantages of a university education: solid academic background, learning laboratories, use of modern technology, and extensive education in all hospitality business skills. Graduates in Hospitality Management are fully prepared to enter high growth global industries with expanding demands for highly skilled, technologically-oriented professionals.

What we offer

 We provide exceptional academic preparation combined with extensive hands-on experiences that teach practical and marketable industry techniques. Our curriculum provides:

  • A strong emphasis on managing the everyday functions of a hospitality business
  • Unique, hands-on hospitality management learning laboratories
  • Practice in learning how to run a profitable hospitality business that provides the best customer experiences
  • Excellent internship and job placement opportunities in the Dallas-Fort Worth region and beyond

 Students “learn by doing” in The Club at Gateway Center, our state-of-the-art student-operated restaurant, which is open to the public. Students also gain insight into the industry through participating in field trips to industry locations, attending special industryguest lectures and symposiums including our Executive-in-Residence Lecture Series, and meeting with industry professionals through our Company Showcase program

 We host an annual Hospitality Career Expo specifically for students in the Hospitality and Tourism Management program, in which they meet one-on-one with hiring representatives from well-known hospitality organizations. We regularly have over 60 companies participating in this event, the majority of which are represented by corporate level recruiters.

 Our faculty members are highly qualified professionals who have both academic and industry experience. In addition, they are recognized experts who conduct research on a wide variety of important hospitality issues ranging from sustainable tourism, to hotel and restaurant management, to technology in the hospitality industry.

Program Learning Objectives

Upon graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of theoretical constructs pertaining to the hospitality industry.
  • Apply the basic principles of critical thinking and problem solving when examining hospitality management issues.
  • Apply technical aspects of the hospitality industry.
  • Demonstrate professional demeanor, attitude, and leadership needed for managerial positions in the hospitality industry.