Brand Approvals

All promotional items and publications/communications (such as advertising, posters, flyers, T-shirts and brochures) that promote the university must use our university brand logos and be approved in advance by University Relations, Communications and Marketing (URCM). Any purchases made with UNT funds must always use the UNT lettermark logo and must be approved. The Business Service Center (BSC) will not approve your purchase without URCM review and approval.

To receive an approval, please send an email with a PDF of the item to be reviewed and a brief description that includes your deadlines and key timeline needs. When approved you will receive an email providing you an approval number. This email must be attached as a file to your purchase request or it will not be processed. Please also provide your approval number to your vendor.

University units may not use credit cards for the purchase of advertising specialty items, unless URCM and the BSC provide advance permission.

Promotional item purchases

The purchase of promotional items is a valuable way to increase visibility to UNT's brand and to promote pride across campus. Products ordered by university departments for internal use may be purchased from outside companies that are licensed vendors, however the greatest savings for departments would be achieved by purchasing items through Printing and Distribution Solutions (PDS). To place an order with PDS, call 940-565-2005 or visit the PDS website to review the promotional-item catalog. PDS has vendor partners for almost any item you may need and can help ensure the university receives the best price for the purchase and that the items will meet our brand standards.

Appropriate marks

The UNT lettermark is the only required logo on promotional items. Use of the college/division/department lockups is encouraged on promotional items. Use of approved design elements related to your organization or customized to your program may also be used. In addition to our primary marks, the spirit marks have been developed especially for use on promotional items.

Student use and licensing

Non-UNT branded publications and promotional items (including apparel) produced by students for use by their university-recognized organizations are exempt from licensing fees. Items to be sold as fundraisers are not necessarily exempt.

To request an exemption please contact URCM, at 940-565-4814 or by email. In all cases, licensed vendors or university service departments must be used for production of these items. Lists of vendors are available from the Collegiate Licensing Company website.