Paying for college

UNT provides a traditional college experience and the quality of a private university at an affordable cost. We’ve been named one of America’s 100 Best College Buys® for 19 consecutive years, a ranking based on having a high-achieving freshman class and affordable tuition.

Above the rest for thousands less

UNT’s popular Eagle Express Tuition Plan lets you lock in your academic costs for four years, earn your bachelor’s degree sooner and save up to $4,000 when you graduate in four years. No other Texas university offers a more innovative solution to rising college costs.

By the numbers

About 74 percent of UNT students receive financial aid and scholarships totaling more than $320 million annually. This includes more than $36 million in scholarships. To receive first consideration, submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) before UNT’s Feb. 1 financial aid priority deadline. The application deadline for scholarships is March 1.

Learn more about financial aid and scholarships.

Types of assistance:

Scholarships – funds awarded based on merit and/or need; no repayment required
Grants– funds awarded based on need; no repayment required
Loans – funds that must be repaid at some point
Student employment – 3,500 jobs on campus and 8,500 off campus

Making ends meet

If you find that you need a little help handling your personal finances, UNT’s award-winning Student Money Management Center provides workshops and confidential counseling sessions.