Students must track and record their experiential learning and community service. Please follow these steps:

Step 1:

Complete the Student Time and Activity Log and the Student Reflection Form

Step 2:

Let us know how your experience was by completing this survey.

Step 3:

Plug your information into your student Optimal Resume account in the E-Portfolio tab. Need help with this process? Click the How to Create an E-Portfolio Instructions.

Why should you track your community engagement and experiential learning involvement?

1. You will receive campus-wide recognition for your participation. You are making a difference in the community and UNT Dallas wants to celebrate you. 

2. You can refer back to what you have done to update your resume and e-portfolio to make yourself more marketable. Employers want to see what you have done in the community.

3. You can have access to the work you have done, and the contacts you have made in the community. It is not what you know but who you know, so build your network and record that information.