
Hiring Faculty

UNT’s Faculty Recruitment System is designed to provide faster processing of employment information, deliver up-to-date access to information regarding job postings, and allow for more detailed screenings of applicants’ qualifications before they reach the interview stage.  The system can be used to view applications and change and monitor the status of an applicant through the hiring process. The Office of the Provost provides all faculty recruitment resources listed below.  All Forms and Templates, along with related resrouces can also be found on the Academic Resources website. 

In accordance with UNT Policy 06.023, Program of Assistance for Teaching Personnel Whose Primary Language is Not English, upon hire, all full-time faculty must identify their primary language on the English Language Proficiency Form provided by the Office of the Provost.  Department chairs are required to sign and verify at the beginning of the semester and provide their signature on the proficiency form.

Dual Employment for Faculty

All UNT employees, including faculty, must receive prior approval for dual employment.  Faculty and staff members proposing to engage in dual employment and other activities must submit the Outside Employment or Service and Dual Employment request to their respective chair/supervisor for approval prior to engaging in the proposed activity.  Original signed requests forms should be forwarded to the Human Resources Department via campus mail, and all supervisors should retain a copy of the request for departmental records.

For additional information, refer to the UNT Policy 05.008 Dual Employment and Other Activities.


Pursuant to university policy and state law, faculty may not solicit, accept, or agree to accept an honorarium in consideration for services – such as speaking at a conference – they would not have been asked to provide but for their official position or duties.  This prohibition includes a request for or acceptance of a payment made to a third party – such as a scholarship fund – if made in exchange for such services.  However, they may accept the direct provision of or reimbursement for expenses for transportation and lodging incurred in connection with a speaking engagement at a conference or similar event.

Evaluating Faculty

Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT)

SPOT is the student evaluation system for UNT.  This system offers benefits to obtain an overall assessment of the course and the instructor.  The SPOT website includes helpful resources to assist in communication with the faculty in your department and/or college.  The SPOT Reference Guide for Department Chairs includes FAQs about the system, information on creating evaluations, accessing and interpreting reports, the email notification schedule, and a list of administration dates for current academic terms.  For all information regarding current and past reporting contact SPOT.

Annual Review

UNT regularly evaluates the effectiveness of each faculty member in accordance with published criteria, regardless of contractual or tenured status.  In accordance with the UNT System Board of Regents Rule 06.1100, UNT Policy 06.007 Faculty Appointments and Granting of Tenure and UNT Policy 06.027 Academic Workload and Merit Evaluation of Faculty, all tenure-track faculty and non-tenure track faculty undergo annual review.  College/school and/or departmental evaluation information is available in the respective unit offices.  Copies of all departmental review policies should be made available to faculty by department chairs.  Department chairs are responsible for conducting annual reviews. 

The UNT Policies described above are available on the University Policy website. 

Tenure and Promotion

Each unit evaluates all tenure-track, probationary faculty for progress toward tenure during each year of the probationary period, and includes reappointment recommendations - as outlined in UNT Policy 06.007 Faculty Appointments and Granting of Tenure – in alignment with specific departmental guidelines. 

The Office of the Provost, in collaboration with the Office for Faculty Success, conducts promotion and tenure workshops each fall and spring semester to inform faculty members of institutional policies, deadlines, and submission guidelines.  Details regarding upcoming tenure and promotion workshops can be found on the Faculty Success website.  All forms can be found on the Office of the Provost website.

  • Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Checklist (VPAA-170)
  • Non-Tenure Track Faculty Promotion Checklist (VPAA-170a)
  • Expedited Tenure and Promotion Checklist (VPAA-170c)
  • External Reviewer Form for Tenure and/or Promotion Reviews (VPAA-172)
  • University Information Form for Reappointments, Promotion and Tenure (VPAA-174)

The Tenure and Promotion Schedule can also be found on the Office of the Provost website.

Hiring Staff

Finding the people that are the best fit for each staff role is an important task for a department chair at UNT. The Human Resources website provides important information on recruiting, hiring and professional development.  A talent management staff is available to assist with training, professional development classes, performance evaluation planning and execution, succession planning and employee development.


Evaluating Staff

The UNT Staff Annual Performance Evaluation Common Review date is from April 1- May 31 for all retirement-eligible staff members.  The performance evaluation process is governed by UNT Policy 05.043 Staff Development/Performance Planning Review.  Supervisors submit completed forms to campus Human Resources.  Guides and sample forms to assist with UNT performance evaluations can be found on the UNT System Human Resources website.  A few important forms include: