ODA Test Center

Test Center -  Hours of Operation
Fall and Spring Semesters

Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Finals, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.



Starting August 27, 2018, the ODA Test Administration hours have changed. Please see below for the new test administration hours. The earliest exams will be scheduled will be 8:30 am and all exams must end by 8:30 p.m. (or 30 minutes prior to the end of hours of operation).

Test Center  - Test Administration Hours
Fall and Spring Semesters

Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Finals, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m..

Test Center  - Contact Information

Email:  Testing.ODA@unt.edu

Telephone: 940-565-4323 (between 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - after 5:00 p.m. email at Testing.ODA@unt.edu)
Fax: 940-369-7969

Testing in the ODA Test Center

To use ODA testing facilities, a student must be registered with ODA, requested letters of accommodations for the current semester, and have approved text accommodations.  Whenever possible, students should arrange testing accommodations with the instructor early in the semester. If the instructor is not able to provide a testing space and the student's testing accommodations, then the student and instructor must complete the ODA Alternative Test Request Form (ATRF). It is the student's responsibility to turn in the Test Request Form, not the instructor. Failure to follow ODA policies and procedures may result in a delay or denial of testing services.

Student Responsibilities

  • Complete the Student section of the Alternative Test Request Form.
  • Present form to instructor to complete the Professor/Instructor section.
  • Submit completed form to testing.oda@unt.edu by the required deadlines.
  • Student must submit an Alternative Test Request Form at least 5 working days prior to the date of an exam.  More than one test may be scheduled per form, but only one class per form.  
    • Test Center will stop accepting ATRFs to schedule final exams 3 weeks before the beginning of finals week. The exact cutoff date for submission of ATRFs is posted each semester.  Failure to schedule tests in accordance with the stated procedures may result in the need to (1) reschedule in the ODA Test Center with your instructor's approval or (2) make arrangements with your instructor to take your accommodated exam within the instructor’s department.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: A test is not scheduled in the ODA Test Center until the Alternative Test Request Form is received by the Office of Disability Access.

Faculty Responsibilities

  • Complete the Professor/Instructor section of the Alternative Test Request Form. 

  • Send exam to the Test Center - preferrably two days prior to the exam administration - in one of the following ways:

    • Email the exam (Testing.ODA@unt.edu)

    • Fax the exam (940-369-7969)

    • Hand deliver the exam to Sage Hall Suite 167

ODA Test Center Responsibilities

  • Accept completed Alternative Testing Request Forms (ATRFs)

  • Process ATRFs to schedule exams in the Test Center

  • Request and obtain exams from intructors

  • Store and administer accommodated exams with strict adherence to test security procedures.

  • Return exams to instructors according to instructions on the ATRF.

Alternative Test Request Form Policies & Procedures

During Fall and Spring semesters

  • Alternative Test Request Forms should be submitted to the ODA at least five business days before the scheduled exam time. Students should reference exam dates from the course syllabus when scheduling exams. Exams should be scheduled during class times unless otherwise specified by your instructor. Students are encouraged to list all exam and quiz dates from the course syllabus (with the exception of the final exam) on one Alternative Test Request Form. (Example: CHEM 1010.001; Start time in the ODA Test Center = 10:00AM; Exam Dates = 9/07, 10/01, 11/02). To schedule Final exam, Alternative Test Request Forms should be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the date of the test. 

During Summer semesters

  • Alternative Test Request Forms should be submitted to the ODA at least three business days before the scheduled exam time. To schedule Final exam, Alternative Test Request Forms should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the test. 

Failure to schedule tests in accordance with these deadlines may result in denial of test request or rescheduling of test.

It is the student's reposnsibility to notify the ODA Test Center of any changes to a scheduled test appointment.  Changes that require written notification include rescheduling of exam dates, changes to the exam start time, and materials approved for the student to use during an exam (scratch paper, calculator, notes, etc.)  The student may notify the ODA Test Center of changes by sending an email to testing.oda@unt.edu and copying the class instructor on the message.  Changes will be made only after the ODA receives confirmation of the change from the instructor. 

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Alternative Test Request Form (ATRF)

* Students MUST request letters of accommodations (LOA) each semester AND give them to each instructor BEFORE this form can be completed and submitted to ODA.

Alternative Test Request Form Instructions

Alternative Test Request Form

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Exam Day Test Center Policies and Procedures

Due to lack of space, studying in the ODA waiting area is not permitted. There are study spaces located in Sage Hall and the Union. 

Lockers are provided within the ODA Test Center to store personal belongings not allowed in the testing rooms. 

  • Upon arriving at ODA for a test, student must show Test Center staff a valid UNT student ID to verify identity.
  • Students are expected to arrive on time for test appointments. If a student arrives more than fifteen minutes late for the scheduled test time, ODA will not administer the test. The student will either go to the classroom to take the test or speak with instructor about rescheduling the test (in accordance with ODA Test Center deadlines).
  • No backpacks, purses, cell phones, smart watches, etc. will be allowed in the testing rooms.
  • Scratch paper will not be allowed unless the instructor indicates that it is allowed on the ATRF.  Any scratch paper given to the student for the exam will be returned with the exam.
  • Children are not permitted to wait in the ODA for students taking exams unless they are accompanied by an adult.  No visitors, phone calls, or interruptions will be permitted during a student’s test administration.
  • Any testing aids (such as use of textbooks, notes, calculators, tables, dictionaries, etc.) require written approval from the instructor in advance.
  • If a restroom break is necessary, the proctor will retain the test materials. Student will be required to sign out when leaving and sign in upon returning to the test. Also the proctor may escort student to and from the restroom to ensure test integrity.
  • Emergencies that cause a student to miss a scheduled testing time (illness, childcare, transportation, etc.) will require professor approval before it may be rescheduled in the ODA Test Center.  It will be the student's responsibility to contact the instructor about rescheduling the exam. It is the instructor's decision to approve or deny rescheduling the student's test, and we will still require five business days’ notice to reschedule tests in our testing center.
  • MISCONDUCT: Cameras and proctor walk-ins are utilized during testing. If a student is suspected of academic dishonesty (cheating), a report will be written and sent to the professor, the ODA director, and the Dean of Students.  A copy of the report will also be placed in the student's file. The instructor will determine further actions to be taken. Academic dishonesty is a violation of the student code of conduct and may lead to suspension or expulsion from the university http://www.unt.edu/csrr/student conduct/index.html.

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