1. Cost?
    1. Single Room Only: $6142/year. 
    2. Double Room Only: $5198/year. 
    3. $100 Non-Refundable Application Fee due at time of application.  
  2. How does Financial Aid apply to the housing cost?
    1. When a student marks on their FAFSA that they will be living on campus, their living expenses will be adjusted in the amount of financial aid they are given and when awarded, it will be applied to their housing just as it does their tuition. Living on campus will impact your financial aid.
    2. Housing charges will post to your student account by August 1st. 
    3. Housing charges are due on thefirst day of classes.
  3. Meal plan options?
    1. All residents are required to participate in the 10, 14, or 19 meals a week meal plan. Meal plan cost breakdown-
      Meal Plan Cost per Semester
      Basic 10 $990
      Basic 14 $1294
      Basic 19 $1600
  4. Are students required to purchase the meal plan?
    1. Yes, see question 3.
  5. What all can students buy using the meal plan?
    1. The meal plan will allow access to the salad bar, entrée station, the grill, desert bar, and fountain drinks. Bottled beverages, candy, chips, and other pre packaged snacks can not be purchased using meal plan. 
  6. How many open beds are there?
    1. 116 open beds.
  7. How many credit hours does a student have to take to live on campus?
    1. A student should be full-time (12 credit hours) to live on campus.
  8. Are certain student groups required to live on campus?
    1. No.
  9. Application process?
    1. When is application available for Fall 2019?
      1. March 19, 2019
    2. Housing Application deadline for Fall 2019?
      1. Returning students March 18, 2019. First Year students May 1, 2019.
  10. When is move-in day for Fall 2019?
    1. Saturday, August 24, 2019 beginning at 8:30am. Students will be assigned a specific time to move in.
  11. Are students allowed to change rooms at any point after a room assignment has been given? What if they do not get along with their roommate?
    1. There are steps in place in order for them to move rooms (pending availability), including roommate mediation.
  12. Can a student move off campus in the middle of a semester?
    1. Yes. However, refunds are not guaranteed. 
  13. What furniture will be provided to each resident?
    1. A study desk, a desk chair,  a bed with a mattress, and a small dresser. 
  14. What size are the beds?
    1. Extra Long Twin
  15. What are all the amenities available to students in the residence hall?
    1. High speed internet, DirectTV, a fitness center, study spaces, a laundry center, vending machines, ping pong table, designated resident parking on campus. 
  16. What kind of programming for students will be available?
    1. The RA’s will conduct programming for their resident students varying from movie nights to dance parties to study skills, etc.
  17. How will students know what to bring and when will they be notified?
    1. Housing assignment emails will be sent by early July 2019. Emails will be sent to UNT Dallas email account.
  18. Are students allowed to have animals of any kind?
    1. Service & Comfort animals that are registered as such and approved by the Housing Office. You must register with the Office of Disabilities Services. Residents are allowed to have small fish.
  19. Can students stay in the residence hall over holiday breaks?
    1. Yes, except for Winter Break ( Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Spring Break, the Hall will remain open) The Residence Hall will be closed for the entire Winter Break period. 
  20. Will campus police be available 24/7?
    1. Yes        
  21. Will there be medical care of any kind available?
    1. No, but we will have Resident Assistant Staff trained in emergency response to dispatch emergency medical service. 
  22. What is the gender breakdown? Are the rooms co-ed? Are the floors co-ed?
    1. Floors are co-ed, rooms divided by bathroom.
  23. Are students from outside a certain mileage radius only eligible to stay in the residence hall or is everyone?
    1. Applicants who meet the criteria are eligible to live on campus.
  24. Is the residence hall available to both transfers and first year students?
    1. Yes, pending availability
  25. Is there an age limit for living in the residence hall?
    1. 25 or younger
  26. Can students have a refrigerator in there room?
    1. Yes. Refrigerator should be no larger than 4 cubic feet, and not to exceed 1000 watts.
  27. Are there any food options available when they café is closed?
    1.  The residence hall has a community kitchen where students can do some of their own cooking.
  28. Can students have microwaves in their rooms?
    1. Yes. Microwave should not exceed more than 1000 Watts.
  29. Are all rooms/restrooms wheelchair accessible or are there some rooms specifically for students with disabilities?
    1. Designated ADA single and double rooms and ADA restrooms.
  30. Will a bacterial meningitis vaccination be required for students living on campus that are over the age of 22? Admissions only requires the shot for students under the age of 22.
    1. Yes
  31. What if a student is locked out of their room?
    1. There is a policy in place and depending on the amount of times they get locked out, there may be charges associated with an RA letting them back in.
  32. Will students have a mail box available to them?
    1. Yes. Each resident will be assigned a mail box in the residence hall where they will be able to pick up their mail daily. Residents will also be able to retrieve packages at the front desk. Residents will be able to send outgoing letters only. Residents will not be able to send packages. 
  33. Will laundry service be available? If so, is the cost of laundry included in the housing cost?
    1. Yes, laundry service is included in the housing cost.