Summer Science Academy 2018 | BioDiscovery Institute

Summer Science Academy 2018

June of 2018 concluded the three year committment for the "Summer Science Academy" on the NSF grant, a collaboration between the BioDiscovery Institute, the College of Engineering and the College of Education. This year's "academy" gave middle school and high school English language learners the opportunity to learn about plant science from senior scientists in the field. The program engaged students in hands-on experience in research labs on campus with a goal of inspiring and motivating them to pursue careers in science. Over the last three summers, the students' teachers have spent several weeks learning from UNT research scientists and developing lesson plans in English and Spanish. "UNT scientists are paired up with the teachers to help expand the knowledge of the science teaching community," says Rosanna Boyd, principal lecturer in UNT's Department of Teacher Education and Administration. "Students gain exposure to university life and at the same time get a chance to see themselves as future scientists." See the students in action in a video about UNT Science Summer Academy. Read more about this year's academy here.

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