Information for Parents

Parental Access to Student Records

Access to student personal information is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which protects the confidentially and integrity of student records by restricting access and granting students rights to inspect and review records kept by the institution. Under FERPA, no person or group may access protected education records without permission from the student. Parents do not have inherent rights to access their student’s education records including but not limited to: grades, tuition bills, academic standing and financials. Read more about student privacy and educational records in the Academics section of the UNT Catalog.

To view the rights parents have under FERPA, visit

Information not protected under FERPA is considered Directory Information and the institution may release it to individuals or groups requesting this data. For a list of Directory Information, visit

Students can restrict the release of directory information by completing the Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information available at directory form.pdf.

Important Policy Information

Excess Hours

Based on Texas Education Code 54.014, undergraduate students who are classified as Texas Resident eligible to pay instate tuition, are subject to an additional excessive hour tuition rate. The code became law in the fall of 2007 and impacts undergraduate students who initially enrolled at any Texas public institution 1999 and later. For details regarding the excess hours calculation please visit (link to excess hours page)


Former and Continuing students wishing to apply for instate residency for tuition purposes may contact the Office of the Registrar. Information is provided to students who want to determine eligibility to qualify as residents of Texas for tuition purposes. For details, please visit the following link.

6 Drop Limit

Students enrolling in higher education during the fall 2007 academic term or after are subject to the 6 Drop Limit. For details on this Texas Legislative requirement, please see

Additional Resources

For more information, contact the Registrar's Information Counter by calling 940-565-2111 or visiting Eagle Student Services Center (ESSC) Room 147.