Tree Preservation

Policy number: 
Policy description: 

Trees provide numerous tangible and intangible benefits to the University of North Texas. Therefore, the University resolves to protect, nurture and renew this valuable resource following the tenants outlined in the Master Plan.  To fulfill this commitment, UNT establishes the following principles: 1. The University will make all reasonable actions  to protect and maintain the health of campus trees; and 2. Trees will be considered for removal only under certain circumstances hereinafter set out; and 3. Trees that are removed shall be replaced with suitably sized tree(s) of selected species.

See full policy (PDF): 
PDF icon Tree Preservation
Policy owner: VP for Finance and Administration
Policy contact: 
David Reynolds
AVP for Facilities
Division of Finance and Administration
Applies to: 
Faculty, Staff, Students, All University
Date Issued: 
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Last updated: 

Format Only
Policy establishes a process to maintain, remove, and replace trees on campus.
New Policy