Member Leadership & Participation

Participation in OLLI at UNT can mean much more than attending courses and enjoying other activities.  It can also mean volunteering to help plan, direct, advise and grow the program. Every member is encouraged to consider joining a Standing Committee, serving as an OLLI at UNT Ambassador, and standing for election to the Advisory Council.

Click here to view notes from recent Advisory Council and Standing Committee meetings.



Advisory Council

Next meeting: Wed. June 26, 2019, 2:00pm - 4:00pm, 1716 Scripture St.

The nine member OLLI at UNT Advisory Council works hand in hand with the OLLI at UNT Director to review and evaluate policies and operations. The Council also works to provide strategic planning that ensures successful program growth and quality that closely aligns with the needs of OLLI at UNT membership. All those who serve on the Council must be elected by the OLLI at UNT membership. Terms of service are two years (five members elected in even numbered years and four in odd numbered years), with the possibility of serving a second consecutive term. To view our Advisory Council history, please click here.

President - Diana Mason August 2019
Vice President - Deborah Diehl August 2020
Financial Liaison - Jonathan Hall August 2019
Secretary - Branon Dunn August 2020
Patti Smith August 2019
Max Morley August 2020
John Booth August 2019
J.B. Spalding August 2020
Peggy Higgins August 2020

Click the link below to submit a nomination. You may nominate yourself.



Standing Committees

OLLI at UNT Standing Committees shall be made up of active members of the OLLI at UNT, including at least one member of the Advisory Council.  Standing committee members will be selected by the President and the Director of OLLI at UNT from a list of volunteers solicited annually by the Nominations Committee.  Members of standing committees normally serve a two-year term with an option to serve one additional consecutive term.  *Members of standing committees must be paid in full members of OLLI at UNT. The President and the Director of OLLI at UNT may make appointments to standing committees to ensure continuity and/or minimum numbers.  

  • Communications & Marketing Committee: This committee works with the Director of OLLI at UNT and staff to review and update on a regular basis the OLLI at UNT web site, related social media, the course catalog, and other electronic and paper communications and notifications to the membership. The committee also assists the Director of OLLI at UNT and staff in development of marketing materials and marketing campaigns.
  • Curriculum Committee:  This committee assists the Director of OLLI at UNT and staff in developing plans for a stimulating, well-balanced schedule of courses for each academic term.  The committee works in partnership with the Director of OLLI at UNT to identify and recruit instructors and course proposals.  Prior to each academic term, with a deadline determined by the Director of OLLI at UNT, the committee shall review course proposals and course evaluations, and shall prepare a list of recommended courses for final review and selection by the Director of OLLI at UNT. 
  • Membership & Nominations Committee:  This committee assists the Director of OLLI at UNT in developing plans for recruitment and orientation of members, retention of continuing members, and outreach to and services for the general membership. The committee also solicits nominees for election to the Advisory Council and for participation in Standing Committees.  The committee is responsible for establishing and reviewing criteria for nominations to the Advisory Council, including but not limited to duration of membership, prior committee participation or other service, and personal statements of interest and experience.  The slate of candidates for election will be presented to the Advisory Council for approval no later than the mid-point of the spring academic term to allow for timely notifications to the membership, balloting and announcement of election results.
Communications & Marketing Jonathan Hall
Curriculum Karen Nelsen
Membership & Nominations Tom Hoemeke

Click the link below to volunteer to join a Standing Committee.



OLLI at UNT Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors are volunteers who spread the word about OLLI at UNT at events and group meetings in our community. We provide Ambassadors with special training and official promotional materials.

Chair - Max Morley Beth Leggieri
Joy Beavers-Paprskar Diana Mason
Marilyn Childs Cathy McKinney
Deborah Diehl Karen Nelsen
James Goodnow Kaye Nubel
Jonathan Hall Patricia Parson
Greg Hawk Sherry Reese
David Higgins Dawn Shiegg
Peggy Higgins Lavada Smith
Diane Hoemeke J.B. Spalding
Thomas Hoemeke Susan Supak
Marilyn Hoye Donna Zelisko-McLaughlin
Pamela Jones  
Tom Klammer  
Elaine Kushmaul  

Click the link below to volunteer to become an Ambassador.