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Robert McDaniel

Fri, 09/23/2016 - 09:47 -- cu0008

MM, in Euphonium Performance and Music Education, 2009

Birthday: June 30, 1983

Hometown:  Valdosta, GA

High School:  Marymount International School of Rome, Italy

Awards and Honors:

     -1st place, South Central Regional ITEC Mock Band Audition, 2007

     -Semi-finalist, US Coast Guard Band audition, 2006

     -Eagle Scout

     -National Merit Commended Students

     -International Baccalaureate Full Diploma

     -President's List, Fall 2003 to present

Previous Degrees and Universities:

     -Bachelor of Music in Music Education and Euphonium Performance, University of North Texas, 2008

Goals: To be an oustanding musician and play with other outstanding musicians.

Hobbies and Interests: travel, sightseeing, foreign language and linguistics

Favorite color: blue

Favorite euphonium solo: the 2nd movement of the Cosma concerto and Pearls by Roland Szentpali

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