Descendant of Davy Crockett Finds Family Photo on UNT's Portal to Texas History

Posted: 01/13/2017

He is one of the most famous names in American history, Davy Crockett. Now a new piece of Crockett history has been uncovered on the University of North Texas website, The Portal to Texas History.

The “photograph of a man’s face” has been on the portal since 2008. However, the identity of the subject in the photo was a mystery until Crockett’s great-great-great-granddaughter, Carol Campbell, recently reached out to the University Of North Texas. She found the picture online and wanted to reveal that the man in the photo was her famous relative.

To read the full article, check out Descendant of Davy Crockett finds family photo on UNT’s Portal to Texas History by Tanya O’Neil.

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