Register Now for Digital Frontiers 2015

Registration is now open for Digital Frontiers 2015, the conference and THATCamp that brings together the makers and users of digital resources in the humanities, September 17-19, 2015 at the University of Texas at Dallas. Digital Frontiers is the largest and longest-running digital humanities conference in Texas.

Featuring Keynote Speakers Carolyn Guertin (University of Ontario Institute of Technology) and Michael Edson (Smithsonian Institute) Digital Frontiers 2015 is hosted by the School of Arts and Humanities and the Emerging Media and Communication program at University of Texas at Dallas. Our distinguished keynotes are joined by 37 other presenters from 20 institutions in 8 U.S. states and 3 countries.

Registration is $50 for non-students, and $20 for undergraduate and graduate students (including lunch); THATCamp registration is $20. To view the conference schedule, and for information on registration and lodging, please visit Direct questions to and join the conversation on Twitter @DigiFront and #DF15UTD.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

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