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Every student at UNT has lifetime access to their ePortfolio account. To access your ePortfolio, login in to and look for the ePortfolio box on the lower right hand side.

Identity Page

An identity page allows viewers to gather basic information about you, such as your goals, educational history, work history, contact information, and links to your other social media accounts. Badges that you acquire through activities and projects that you have documented on your account can also be displayed on the ID page. Try to get 100% of your identity page completed!


As a student you complete and participate in many projects and activities that enhance your marketable skills. Document your experiences by turning them into projects on your ePortfolio! 


You have the ability to create numerous ePortfolios. In building multiple portfolios you can construct each to meet different goals; one for a job opportunity highlighting previous employment and your skills while having another focus on your education, demonstrating the projects and co-curricular activities you have participated in! 


How to use it? Consider the amount of activities a student participates in during their time at UNT, by documenting them in an ePortfolio students can refer back to these experiences for years to come. Whether its creating an ePortfolio showcasing artwork or highlighting community service activities, students can create an ePortfolio for every occasion!

Accessing your ePortfolio

Start by logging in to your account:

  • Login to 
  • Look for the ePortfolio module and click the ePortfolio link (first word in the paragraph) 
  • Login with your EUID and password
  • Follow the set up prompts 
  • Once set up is completed, you will gain access to your ePortfolio. Our ePortfolio partner is Foliotek. You have access to the ePortfolio as long as you are enrolled as a UNT student and lifetime access after you graduate from UNT.

Watch these tutorials to develop your ePortfolio or follow the instructions below.

Creating/Editing your Identity Page

  • The first step in building your ePortoflio is developing your Identity Page. When you log into the ePortfolio, you will have the option of editing your Identity Page. Once in edit mode, you will notice a box in the bottom left hand corner that will tell you how far along you are in completing your Identity Page. There are several ways to edit the information on your ID page
  • Select the pencil icon by hovering over a section or
  • Select the pencil icon from the left side menu


Creating a Project

You're ready to document a project, great! To add a project, select the backpack icon on the dashboard located at the top of your page.

  • Once on the project landing page, select the plus sign under "Projects"
  • A question regarding the type of project should show up.
    • If this project is a requirement for a  course or a co-curricular select "Yes eCommunity Project"
    • If this is an individual project you are documenting select "No Personal Project"
  • On the following screen, the right side show instructions and tips on how to design your project. When you are ready to edit your project press the 'Go' button on the left hand side.
    • Under the template you can edit the image, name and the information about the project. 


Creating an ePortfolio

You can create as many ePortfolio as necessary, each reflecting the audience it's intended for. To create a new ePortfolio select the book icon located on the dashboard on the top of the page.

  • Once on the ePortfolio landing page, select the plus sign under "ePortfolio"
  • Select a content template for the ePortfolio by clicking on the drop down menu. 
    • You can then select a themed template from the options below the dashboard.
  • Provide a name for your ePortfolio by typing in the name to the right of the drop down menu
  • Once you have selected the theme and named your ePortfolio, click the check mark in the bottom left. This will create your ePortfolio.

Editing ePortfolio

  • Edit the pages in your ePortfolio selecting the 'Pages' option on the top menu 
    • Hover over the page to rearrange the order or rename the page
    • To add a page select 'add page' 
  • Change the design of you ePortfolio by selecting the 'design' option on the top menu
    • under this option, you can change the template, the layout, background and style of the portfolio
  • Add files by selecting the files option on the top menu
    • To organize the files you have uploaded, select the folder icon on the dashboard.
      • To move a file into a folder, select the file and drag to a folder or select the file(s), select move, and select the folder.
  • Add gizmos to your ePortfolio by selecting the gizmo option on the top menu. Gizmos include, images, slideshows, grids, video, document, and connecting projects and social media links

For additional support select the question mark icon on the dashboard or contact our office.