Ashley Featherston

B.S. in Merchandising

Ashley travelled America the summer after graduation, visiting the scenic landscapes of Santa Fe, the calming Ozark Mountains, and soulful New Orleans. Free to explore without schedules or commitments, Ashley found her own inner strength; and, just as importantly, discovered her love of feathers. Ashley returned home and began wearing feathers in her hair, and making feather earrings which later led to starting her own business. Using business expertise she garnered from her visual merchandising, and marketing studies at UNT, was born. Ashley personally handles every aspect of the business: from design, to daily operations and marketing, to web design and social media. was featured in magazines such as La Mode Dallas, and Cassidy and Disfunkshion; and blogs including NBC DFW, Pirates and Ponies, The Numinous, Horses and Heels, The Cult of Style, and Nonsense and Sensibility.