Withdrawing from Sessions

What is a session? A session is a short semester within a payment period (full term) that does not span the entire length of the payment period. It is also called a mini-term or module.  An example of sessions during the Fall and/or Spring semester is the Accelerated Online Programs (AOP).  The Summer semester is made up of multiple sessions in which students can choose to enroll. Examples include 5W1, 5W2, and 10W. 

A student is considered to have Withdrawn from programs offered in a session of enrollment during the Fall and/or Spring term when the student ceases attendance at any point prior to completing the payment period unless the school obtains written confirmation at the time of the withdrawal that the student will attend a session that begins later in the same payment period. This confirmation must be obtained at the same time of the withdrawal even if the student has registered for subsequent courses.

Summer Attendance and Withdrawal Information

For Title IV purposes, a student who has enrolled in a session(s) offered in the Summer Semester and does not complete the session(s) in which he was enrolled is considered to have withdrawn and a Return to Title IV calculation (R2T4) will be completed.

We will not consider you to have withdrawn for the Summer Semester if:

  • You give the institution written confirmation that you will attend a session that begins later in the Summer Semester. The written confirmation must be provided at the time that would otherwise have been a withdrawal.

You may change the date of your attendance in a later session than originally indicated, provided that:

  • The later session begins in the Summer Semester;
  • You make the change in writing prior to the date you had previously confirmed.

If you do not attend the later session(s), the date of withdrawal from the previous session will be used as the official withdrawal date to determine the amount of Title IV aid to be returned to the U.S. Department of Education (R2T4 calculation).

All students who are considering dropping from one class or withdrawing from all classes during the Summer semester need to review this important information regarding changes to withdrawal processing.

  • You must adhere to class attendance requirements as defined by the university if you enroll in Internet classes.
  • If you register for summer classes and decide not to attend, you are REQUIRED to notify BOTH Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (SFAS) AND the Registrar immediately to begin the withdrawal process.
  • Dropping courses below half-time prior to disbursement of financial aid may result in your becoming ineligible for all non-disbursed aid. Additionally, if class attendance is not established, you will become ineligible for disbursed aid and therefore owe a debt to the university.
  • If you withdraw from UNTD prior to the 60% point of the summer session(s) you are scheduled to attend, you may owe a repayment of financial aid funds to the program(s) from which they were awarded (thus owing a debt to the university). 
  • Failure to officially withdraw may result in the receipt of failing grades and you may owe a repayment of financial aid funds to the program(s) from which they were awarded (thus owing a debt to the university) .
  • Students who receive failing grades (F’s, WF’s and/or NP’s) in ALL classes while also receiving federal financial aid may owe a repayment of financial aid funds to the program(s) from which they were awarded (thus owing a debt to the university).
  • Withdrawing from classes or failing to complete and pass registered hours will affect your future eligibility for financial aid. You must meet SAP requirements to maintain eligibility for financial aid as defined by SFAS.
  • If you have outstanding charges from a previous award year, you must pay your balance before any current term funds will be posted to your tuition and fee account.
  • For Title IV purposes, a student who has enrolled in a session(s) offered in the summer term and does not complete the session(s) in which he was enrolled is considered to have withdrawn and a Return to Title IV calculation (R2T4) will be completed.
  • SFAS will not consider you to have withdrawn for the summer term if:
    • You give the institution written confirmation that you will attend a session that begins later in the summer term.
    • The written confirmation must be provided at the time that would otherwise have been a withdrawal.
    • If you do not attend the later session(s), the date of withdrawal from the previous session will be used as the official withdrawal date to determine the amount of Title IV aid to be returned to based on the R2T4 calculation.