Contact Us

Email Address

Phone Numbers
Main number: (940) 565-2900
Toll free: (800) 868-1153
Fax: (940) 565-4519

Gift Processing and Alumni Records
(940) 369-8200

UNT Foundation Staff

Mailing Address
Division of Advancement
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #311250
Denton, TX 76203-5017

Delivery Address
University Gateway Center
Tower Section, 1st Floor
801 North Texas Blvd.
Denton, TX 76201

University Advancement

Advancement Executive Team

David Wolf
David Wolf
Vice President for Advancement
Eileen Moran
Eileen Moran
Associate Vice President for Development
Stan Walker
Stan Walker
Assistant Vice President for Development
Kim Wendt Collinsworth
Kim Wendt Collinsworth
Assistant Vice President of Donor Relations and Advancement Services
Gina Lowe
Gina Lowe
Senior Director of Advancement Communications
Rob McInturf
Rob McInturf
Executive Director of Alumni Relations
Tom Augsburger
Thomas Augsburger
Assistant Director of Fiscal and Human Resources
KatyBelle Edwards
KatyBelle Edwards
Assistant to the Vice President for Advancement
Kelly Perry
Kelly Perry
Assistant to the Associate Vice President for Advancement
Cynthia Edwards
Cynthia Edwards
Assistant to the Assistant Vice President for Development
Amy Cassidy
Amy Cassidy
Operations Coordinator

Athletic Development

Ryan Peck
Executive Senior Associate Athletic Director, External Operations
John Nitardy
John Nitardy
Senior Associate Athletic Director, Development
Reginald Johnson
Reginald Johnson
Associate Athletic Director of Development
Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Assistant Athletic Director of Development
Connor Meier
Connor Meier
Assistant Athletic Director of Development
Alejandra Lopez
Alejandra Lopez
Assistant Director of Development

College and School Development

Matt Bethea
Matt Bethea
Executive Director of Development - College of Arts and Sciences
Patricia Gregory
Patricia Gregory
Director of Development - College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Meghan Dours
Meghan Dours
Director of Development - College of Science
Jessica Steinke
Jessica Steinke
Executive Director of Development - G. Brint Ryan College of Business
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Mike Farrell
Director of Development - G. Brint Ryan College of Business
Shelly Lane
Shelly Lane
Senior Director of Development - College of Education
Angus McColl
Angus McColl
Senior Director of Development - College of Engineering
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Paula Jonse
Senior Director of Development - College of Health and Public Service
Lisa Wallace
Lisa Wallace
Director of Development - College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism
Alan Klaas
Alan Klaas
Senior Director of Development - College of Music
Cherese Bassett
Cherese Bassett
Director of Development - College of Music
 Karena Sara
Karena Sara
Development Associate - Mayborn School of Journalism
Arigayle Head
Arigayle Head
Director of Development - Division of Student Affairs
Sheri Snyder
Sheri Snyder
Director of Development Communications

Corporate and Foundation Relations

Jessica Watts
Jessica Watts
Executive Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
Brittany Causey
Brittany Causey
Senior Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
Erin Smith
Erin Smith
Director of Foundation Communications
Shanna Drury
Shanna Drury
Corporate Foundation Relations Coordinator
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Chris Vicks
Coordinator for Corporate and Foundation Relations

Community Development

David Broughton
David Broughton
Executive Director Strategic Fundraising Initiatives UNT
Myrshem H. George
Myrshem H. George
Senior Director of Development, Communication Initiatives

Estate and Planned Giving

Roy Grisham
Roy Grisham
Executive Director of Estate and Planned Giving
Austin Chappell
Austin Chappell
Director of Estate and Planned Giving
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Nelda Sosa
Estate and Planned Giving Coordinator

Annual Giving

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Nicole Sprowl
Director of Annual Giving
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Garrett Holland
Assistant Director of Annual Giving
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TaKeisha Busby
Annual Giving Coordinator

Advancement Services

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Clint Shipp
Executive Director of Advancement Services
Eleanor Claffey
Eleanor Claffey
Director of Data Management
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Holden Walker
Director of Gift Administration
Jesse McBroom
Jesse McBroom
Assistant Director of Data Integrity and Development Support
Michal Farmer
Michal Farmer
Assistant Director of Data Integrity
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Quila Stewart
Gift Accountant
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Brandy Bejarano
Gift Accountant

Donor Relations

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Dana Wagner
Director of Donor Relations
Gavin Rhoades
Gavin Rhoades
Assistant Director of Donor Relations - Donor Communications
Alma Rudnickaite
Alma Rudnickaite
Executive Assistant for Donor Relations and Advancement Services

Prospect Development and Research

Brenda Martin
Brenda Martin
Director of Prospect Development and Research
Robin Boydston
Robin Boydston
Assistant Director of Research
Deborah Driver
Deborah Driver
Assistant Director of Research

Special Events

Mary Howard
Mary Howard
Director of Special Events
Erin McKinnis
Erin McKinnis
Assistant Director of Special Events

Advancement Communications

Teresa Love
Teresa Love
Assistant Director of Donor Communications
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Ellie Williams
Web Content/Email Design Specialist
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Amanda Yanowski
Senior Communications Specialist