Patty Wells

Patty Wells

  • Title
    Executive Assistant
  • Email
  • Phone
Patty Wells begins her seventh year with North Texas Athletics and currently serves as the director of administrative services. 

Her primary duties include serving as the liaison for human resource services and EEO, overseeing full-time new hire processing and providing administrative support for the director of athletics. 

Patty has worked for the UNT system since 1992. She started at the UNT Health Science Center before being transferred to the UNT campus in 2005, working in the Division of Advancement. 

Patty attended the University of Texas at Arlington. 

She resides in Denton with her husband, Brett. They have two children, Amanda (24) and Michael (19) and one grandson, Alexander. She enjoys spending time with her family, spoiling her grandson and scuba diving.