Alejandra Lopez

Alejandra Lopez

  • Title
    Assistant Director, Development
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Alejandra Lopez became assistant director of development in 2017 but has worked in various offices at North Texas athletics since 2014.

Her responsibilities include directing all activities related to constituent records management, gift and pledge processing, and document and file management for Mean Green Scholarship Fund. Lopez will assist in managing overall operations and strategic direction for all aspects related to the receipt and processing of gifts and pledges, communicating with internal and external clients and constituencies, and executing strategies for continuous business process improvement.

In 2016, Lopez worked as the sports administrative coordinator with men's and women's golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis and volleyball. 

Lopez started at North Texas as an intern in marketing, working primarily with volleyball, tennis, men's and women's basketball and football.

Lopez graduated from DePaul University in 2014 with a bachelor's degree in political science and a minor in French. She worked as the women's volleyball student manager for two seasons and was an intern in the athletics marketing department for a year. She also interned with the National Basketball Retired Players Association in 2013. 

Lopez earned her master's degree in recreation, event and sport management at North Texas in 2017.

She was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, and raised in Edmond, Okla.