Training, Learning and Development

(Talent Management is pleased to bring The Learning Portal to faculty, staff and student employees at all components. Find links and information on our SharePoint site - EUID and password required.)

The Talent Management area of Human Resources provides learning opportunities ranging from computer skills to leadership and coaching for performance programs. Talent Management staff aim to help create a productive and successful organization that uses best practices to attract, develop and retain employees.

Managers may access classes and find ideas for leadership and performance management that helps individuals and teams contribute to organizational success.

Employees will find classes to improve workplace skills and support career advancement.

  • Learn about the Leadership Development program.
  • Find Supervisory Building Blocks classes on the Learning Portal.
  • Find ePerformance training and tools (SharePoint; EUID needed to log in.)
  • Talent Management team, pictured, from left: Paula Bearden, Zach Beaver, Shelly Dietderich, Amanda Fisher, Suzanne Gravois.

Talent Management Services

Professional growth and development opportunities

  • Leadership development
  • Performance management tools/processes
  • Competency identification, evaluation and development
  • Career progression/development planning
  • Succession management
  • Coaching skills
  • technical, clerical, photography and design classes; free to employees at all locations

Talent Management Classes

Frequently Asked Questions About Classes

How do I register for classes?
All training registration is done online via the Learning Portal.  Log in with your EUID and password, and then follow the prompts.

Who can attend training and development classes?
Faculty, staff and student employees are eligible to attend training. Most classes are offered at no cost.  A supervisor’s consent is required to attend.

Do I have to use my personal time off (vacation, floating holiday) to attend? 
Policies allow employees to attend classes during work hours. Supervisory approval is required before registration. Learn more:

How do I cancel a class registration?
Go to the Learning Portal and follow the prompts to cancel registration. Or, contact Talent Management as soon as possible. Space is limited for some classes and your reserved space often can be reassigned to someone on our waiting list.