
Bones Rc

Rollin’ Bones

Two UNTHSC physicians are combining osteopathic medicine and entertainment in a new podcast


Yorio Rc

Yorio honored for contributions to eye research

Dr. Thomas Yorio, Professor of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, is the recipient of 2019 Joanne G. Angle Award


Bob Rc

Bob Ferguson honored with UNTHSC 2019 Vision Award

Since 2009, Bob Ferguson has volunteered his time and innovative strategic thinking with UNTHSC

Patient Care

Harkin Rc

HSC pharmacist helps woman with hepatitis C get the help she needs

Hepatitis C is an under-diagnosed and under-treated curable disorder affecting more than 3 million Americans

Our People

Halsey Rc

UNTHSC President honored for leadership excellence

President Michael R. Williams is the recipient of the 2019 Halsey Executive Leadership Award

Our People

Pto Rc

PT students dominate volleyball, soccer and softball at state Olympics

The UNTHSC team placed 2ndin the competition, which was founded in 1999


Lic Rc

UNTHSC pain research registry to expand statewide

Since 2016, the DNA of about 600 participants has already been entered into the pain research registry

Patient Care

Paul Rc

What to do if you suspect your child has measles

One of the most contagious diseases in the world, measles can lead to serious complications.


Mad Rc

New pharmacy dean to help students understand expanding opportunities

Dr. S. Suresh Madhavan is the new Dean of the System College of Pharmacy


Opi Rc

U.S. opioid crisis sparks campus, community conversations

The opioid epidemic is our country’s foremost public health challenge

Our People

Migala Rc

UNTHSC says farewell but not goodbye to Dr. Witold Migala

For this roving epidemiologist, it’s the passion, and maybe a healthy dose of wanderlust, that keeps him moving.