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Dining Hall Rendering
Dining Hall

The new University of North Texas Dining Hall is designed to offer a place for scholarly and social relationships between students and staff. The space features 7 individual serving options which can easily be adapted for diverse groups and activities.

The dining hall will be two-stories providing seating for 700. It will offer three meals a day, as well as late night options. There is a focus on fostering opportunity for social interaction and encouraging engagement amongst students and staff. Numerous seating layouts and types are offered to provide a variety of dining experiences. The design highlights flexibility and facilitates future growth through innovation and technology.

Construction is underway for this dining hall and its expected completion is March 2020. To stay up-to-date on how the construction of this dining hall may affect you, follow UNT Facilities on Twitter and Facebook, as well as check out the Construction Obstruction report.

March 2020
To event remaining 299 days
