2019 George Papich Chamber Music Studies Competition

April 14-27, 2019

  1. FORMAT:
    1. Preliminary Round
      1. Will be held during the Chamber Music Studies Session II concerts, April 14 and 16, 2019.
      2. One group from each area – Brass Chamber Groups, Chamber Groups with Piano, String Chamber Groups and Woodwind Chamber Groups will advance to the
        Final round
    2. Final Round
      1. Will be held on April 27, 2019 in the Voertman Hall.
      2. One First Prize and one Second Prize will be awarded.
    1. All Students/group registered for Chamber Music Studies class that submit a completed application form.
    2. All students in a participating group must be registered for the Chamber Music Studies class,
      no exceptions.
    3. Groups need to consist of minimum 3, and maximum 8 players. Duo Sonatas with accompaniment are not allowed.
    4. Application deadline: March 24, 2019.
    1. Preliminary round
      1. One or more movements/works of competitors’ choice.
      2. A creative, “non-musical” addition to the performance. Its purpose is to further engage audiences in the presentation of the work. The feature may include, but not be limited to: performance notes, video presentation, etc.
      3. The first round, including the “non-musical” feature and set-up, cannot exceed 10 minutes in length. Longer performances will be disqualified.
    2. Final round
      1. Two or more contrasting movements/works of competitors’ choice, between 25 and 30 minutes in length. At least one work must be an original (not arranged) work for the ensemble.
      2. A concise business plan on how the award funds (if awarded) would be used to promote and advance the group’s career.
    1. Preliminary round
      1. There will be four categories: Brass Chamber Groups, Chamber Groups with Piano, String Chamber Groups and Woodwind Chamber Groups.
      2. Brass Chamber Groups will be judged by at least two faculty representatives from the Brass area.
      3. Chamber Groups with Piano will be judged by one Piano, and one String and/or Woodwind faculty representative.
      4. String Chamber Groups will be judged by at least two faculty representatives from the String area.
      5. Woodwind Chamber Groups will be judged by at least two faculty representatives from the Woodwind area.
      6. One chamber group from each category will advance to the Final round.
      7. No additional selections will be made.
    2. Final round
      1. All finalist will compete in the same category.
      2. Four external judges will be appointed – one piano, one string, one brass and one woodwind artist.
      3. The judges will award one First prize and one Second prize.
      4. No additional selections will be made.
  5. AWARDS:
    1. The First prize:
      1. $1500.00, equally divided between all performers, paid to UNT student accounts.
    2. The Second prize:
      1. $500.00, equally divided between all performers, paid to UNT student accounts.
    3. Additional awards:
      1. All finalists will receive the Certificate of Excellence in Chamber Music.