Above: The SMMC team posed with Ben & Jerry at the Distinguished Lecture Series' Ben & Jerry Event.

What can the SMMC do for me?

The Student Money Management Center provides personal financial and money management education to students. In addition to seminars and presentations, we provide confidential individual financial consultations and planning services. All of our outreach and coaching services are offered to UNT Denton-campus students at no cost.

At the Student Money Management Center, you can:

  • Schedule personal and confidential coaching sessions with trained professionals or peer mentors.
  • Learn how to plan, track and review income, savings and expenses.
  • Learn how to establish and manage credit.
  • Create a financial survival plan for college.
  • Understand credit reports and scores.
  • Plan for tuition and fee payments.
  • Research housing options.
  • Create repayment plans for student loans and personal debt.
  • Plan for expenses and living costs after college.
  • Learn how to live without your parents' money and financial support.
  • Analyze job offers and benefits packages.

There are certain services the Student Money Management Center cannot provide:

  • Bankruptcy counseling
  • Financial planning
  • Mortgage and refinancing counseling
  • Investment advice
  • Contacting creditors
  • Selection of financial institutions
  • Selection of financial planning services
  • Retirement planning
  • Tax advice and filling assistance