Teaching Fellowships/Assistantship in Music Entrepreneurship

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The UNT Music Business and Entrepreneurship Program  is seeking two graduate-level music students interested in music entrepreneurship, music business, and leadership, to join the team and contribute to the growth and success of the music business and entrepreneurship program.

The teaching fellowship involves 20 hours/week, with a 9-month stipend of $12,800 and a tuition benefit program discount of 6 credit hours/week. The teaching assistantship (for students with less than 18-graduate level credit hours completed) involves 20 hours/week, with a 9-month stipend of $11,000 and a tuition benefit program discount of 3 credit hours/week. 

Responsibilities will include teaching undergraduate music entrepreneurship courses (for TFs), assisting with teaching undergraduate music entrepreneurship courses (for TAs), social media content creation and management, video editing, event planning and management assistance, fundraising and grant writing, marketing assistance, among other tasks. Qualifications: admission to any MM, DMA or Ph.D. degree in Music; strong research, writing, and computer proficiency skills. Candidates with demonstrated experience launching a music-related venture—either non-profit or for-profit—will be preferred. More information about the program can be found at www.career.music.unt.edu

Applicants must have been admitted into a degree program before full consideration of the assistantship application can be given. To apply for the entrepreneurship assistantship(s), please fill out the form below. Please submit a resume/CV listing three references, include a personal statement (300-500 words) describing your entrepreneurial experience, career goals, interests, reasons for interest in the assistantship in music entrepreneurship, and how you can contribute to the growth and success of the entrepreneurship program. A website demonstrating evidence of music entrepreneurship activity and experience must also be included in the personal statement. Application deadline is April 5th, 2019.

For more information regarding the tuition benefit program discount visit: https://tgs.unt.edu/new-current-students/tuition-benefit-program

TF applicants must have completed at least 18 graduate-level credit hours; TA applicants will have less than 18 graduate-level credit hours completed
(If Applicable)
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