Intercampus Mail

Mail Scooter

Intercampus mail is only distributed within the UNT System campus, including UNT Discovery Park, UNT Dallas and Universities Center Dallas. Interdepartmental mail is picked up and delivered by UNT mail carriers. Interdepartmental envelopes are provided by Mail Services at no charge. No postage required.

Documents or mail must be placed in an interdepartmental mail envelope. Campus mail is restricted to official business — department-to-department or official State of Texas documents or mail only.

Exception: Campus wide distribution of flyers, postcards, or publications that have been separated and banded by department may be picked-up and delivered via inter-campus mail.

How to Address Intercampus Mail

Interdepartmental envelopes are reusable! Interdepartmental mail is delivered by department. Make sure the previous address is crossed out when resubmitting envelopes. The most frequent cause of misdelivered mail is the appearance of two or more department names on the intercampus envelope without the previous name crossed out. Check both sides of the envelope to be sure that only one name appears. Address the envelope to the department first, then the employee’s name. Do not use building names, individual employee names only, or abbreviations other than the ones provided on the route list.

Pickup and Distribution

Interdepartmental mail envelopes can not be included with off campus postage mail and should be submitted separately. Mail Services provides scheduled carrier pick up and delivery service daily to various University departments and offices. There are two driving routes for the outlining and one walking route of the campus. Interdepartmental mail received in the Mail Services department before 8:30 a.m. will be sorted and delivered the same day.

All interdepartmental mail is picked-up, sorted and delivered on a daily basis. Interdepartmental mail is not held in Mail Services, unless requested by the department. Envelopes addressed with a name, by building with room # or to a department not on the route list or if Mail Services personnel cannot identify its destination, mail is set aside and then researched for distribution.

Carriers are not to pick up personal, books or package mail for Intercampus delivery. Books and packages may be brought to the Mail Service department and we will send a memo to the receiving department that they have a package to pickup. We ask that if a department has a campus wide mailing to please call in advance. Mail Services carriers sort inter-departmental mail to 207 University departments, pick-up and deliver inter-departmental and USPS outgoing mail to 172 mail stops, as well as sort and deliver USPS box mail to 139 departments’ box numbers.

UNT Dallas: Intercampus mail to UNT Dallas is picked up and delivered by UNT Dallas carriers daily.

University Center at Dallas: Intercampus mail to UCD is mailed only once a week on Fridays by 3 p.m.

UNT Discovery Park: Mail is picked up and delivered twice daily, Monday through Friday.

Reusing Envelopes

Do not include deliverable envelopes with empty interdepartmental envelopes without separating them and clearly notating empty envelopes from deliverable ones.