

Computational Neuroscience

  • Computational neuroscience is a branch of computational science that relies on computers to perform numerical simulation/analysis of complex neural circuitry.
  • It is based on a set of mathematical equations that govern the operation of the brain.
  • It uses the computer to solve these sets of equations such that the complexity can be reduced by observing the results from these simulations/analyses.
  • A brain simulator is essential a numerical engine that solves these brain equations so that we can alter any of its parameters with ease, and observe the results it produces.
  • Since the signals obtained from a real brain are often too complex for human to comprehend, computer is often used to process these information to reduce their complexity so that the results can be easily digested by human.
  • It is also based on the acknowledgement that human brain is inefficient in solving complex mathematical equations, and allows the computer to do the hard work of number crunching
  • It also acknowledges that the human brain is very efficient in generalizing complex concepts much better than computers. So it is the marriage between the brain and the computer in which the computer does the hard work of number crunching, and the brain does the generalizationg and abstraction of concepts from the results crunched out by the computer.

Computational Neuroscience 101

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