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Eprints: Quick Guide to Open-Access Archives
in Science, Technology & Medicine

"Open access eprint archives are where authors of published research papers and papers destined for peer reviewed publication can self-archive the full texts of their work for all to see." -- OpCit Project

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Lists of Archives

E-Print Network
   Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information

Highwire Press
   The largest archive of free full-text science on Earth!
   Stanford University

   Freely available, previously difficult-to-access, academically-oriented digital resources
   University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service

OpCit Project: The Open Citation Project
   Core Metalist of Open Access Eprint Archives

Open Directory Project
   Free online access archives in science.


Subject Discipline Archives

   Open access to 300K+ e-prints in physics, mathematics, computer science and quantitative biology.
   Cornell University & the National Science Foundation

Astronomy & Astrophysics Preprints & Abstracts
   AstroWeb Consortium

Astrophysics Data System Article Service
   Free and unrestricted access to scanned images of journals, conference proceedings and books in astronomy and astrophysics.
   Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

The Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS)

BioMed Central
   Publisher of more than 150 peer-reviewed open access journals.
   Independent publishing house

CERN Document Server
   Articles and preprints.
   European Organization for Nuclear Research

Chemistry, Math and Computer Science Preprint Archives
   Elsevier: ScienceDirect

   Scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science.

Clinical Medicine and Health Research
   A repository of non-peer reviewed original research, now closed to new submissions.

   Electronic archive for self-archive papers in any area of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, and many areas of computer science.

Cryptology ePrint Archive
   International Association for Cryptologic Research

DOE Information Bridge
   Free public access to full-text documents and bibliographic citations of Department of Energy (DOE) research report literature.

High-Energy Physics Literature Database (HEP)
   Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

   Open access repository of IISc research publications.
   Indian Institute of Science.

Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc
   University of Texas


Organic eprints
   Open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture.
   Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF)

PubMed Central
   Free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
   National Institutes of Health

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  The Library of Congress >> Researchers
   August 23, 2010
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