This is the home page of SIPTA (Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications).

Here you can find information about the conferences and the schools that the Society organizes.

We also provide some sources for information about imprecise probabilities mantained by SIPTA.

A description of the Society, its aims, articles and executive committee is reported, too.

  • Applications for the IJAR YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD are open. More information here.
  • The fourth Workshop on Principles and Methods of Statistical Inference with Interval Probability (WPMSIIP) will be held at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, between 5 and 10 September 2011. The major aim of the WPMSIIP workshop is to stimulate discussion of ongoing research in imprecise/interval probability theories, providing a platform to discuss unsolved problems and to address unanswered questions. More information here.

  • The seventh ISIPTA conference will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, during 25-28 July 2011. More information here.

New Papers in Imprecise Probability
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  • Characterization of a coherent upper conditional prevision as the Choquet integral with respect to its associated Hausdorff outer measure (pdf)
  • Notes on desirability and conditional lower previsions (pdf)
  • Belief functions combination without the assumption of independence of the information sources (pdf)
  • Likelihood-based inference for probabilistic graphical models: Some preliminary results (pdf)
  • Exchangeable lower previsions (pdf)
  • Imprecise Probabilities based on Generalized Intervals for System Reliability Assessment (pdf)
  • Bounding Uncertainty in Civil Engineering (pdf)
  • Building knowledge-based systems by credal networks: a tutorial (pdf)
  • Representing uncertainty on set-valued variables using belief functions (pdf)
  • Conditional models: coherence and inference through sequences of joint mass functions (pdf)
  • A study of Bayesian approximations of belief functions in the probability simplex (pdf)
  • Three alternative combinatorial formulations of the theory of evidence (pdf)
  • The geometry of consonant belief functions: simplicial complexes of possibility measures (pdf)
  • A consonant approximation of the product of independent consonant random sets (pdf)
  • Bayesian Estimation with Uncertain Parameters of Probability Density Functions (pdf)
  • State Estimation with Sets of Densities considering Stochastic and Systematic Errors (pdf)
  • Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation with Convex Sets of Probability Densities (pdf)
  • Reliable hidden Markov model filtering through coherent lower previsions (pdf)
  • Multiple model tracking by imprecise Markov trees (pdf)

Last update January 3, 2011 | webmaster